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The time where kids start making wish lists, where most malls have ridiculous sales and are full with vicious people, where moms start making a glorious dinner 3 days before the actual day.

Hot chocolate. Presents. Family. Fun, fun, fun.

It's the first year, in a while, that I've celebrated Christmas.

My dad's family are aware of the situation. They started sending presents two weeks into December. They're all pretty big, considering the fact that all of them are in blue sacks from Amazon.

Putting up the fake tree was excruciatingly harder than I thought. First we had to piece it together to a black metal plastic pole. Then we had to untangle the lights (Which took longer than putting the tree together). Then we decorated and put the angel at the top. But boy, was it hard. It took all day, at least.

I didn't have to help with Christmas dinner, because Zach's grandparents (On his mom's side and his dad's side) decided to visit. Luckily, they stayed in a hotel, but I was dead nervous that they'd hate me.

Knock. Knock.

Zach zoomed to the door. "Grandma! Grandpa! Pops! Mamma!" He shouted, and all four faces walked in.

"Oh my goodness, Zachary, you've grown up." One of his grandmothers said. "My handsome grandson!"

Zach's brothers came tumbling down the stairs and greeted their grandparents.

Once the greeting were over, Zach brought over one of his grandfathers.

His grandfather had graying hair, a kind smile, and was wearing a sweater and khaki pants.

"You must be the beautiful girl Zach tells me about." He said, taking my hand and kissing my knuckles. "I can see why."

"It's nice to meet you sir." I smiled and nodded politely. This was going better than I thought it would.

"Call me Pops." He offered. "And you may be?"

"Amy. Amy Willow." I introduced.

"Mary, come over here! I'd like you to meet Amy." Pops ordered. Mary's hair was graying too, and she wore glasses without frames and a purple top with an olive green skirt.

"Hello Amy." Mary shook my hand. "It's nice to finally meet you, young lady."

"And it's nice to meet you, ma'am." I blushed.

"Call me Mamma. It sticks better. No need for manners, I see you have plenty of them already." Mamma gave me a kind smile.

Once the elders were done with introductions, we sat down on the couches. The elders started interrogating. I didn't mind. It was nice, having them want to know about me. I retold the story of how Zach and I became a couple (with countless interruptions from Zach - in which the elders complained.)

"So, what was your first date like?" Mamma asked.

I glanced at Zach. "We've honestly never had a date, but I personally think that chasing me out to New York spoke louder than words."

"Great job on the girlfriend proposal, son." Pops clapped Zach's back.

"Quite romantic." Grandma remarked.

"Very." I nodded.

"Mom, Grandma, Amy, can you please help me in the kitchen?" Zach's mom asked. I started to stand up, but I lost my balance and almost fell. Zach caught me.

"You okay Ams?"

"I'm okay." I nodded and got up, then started walking to the kitchen. Zach walked alongside me the whole way, making sure I was okay. I gave Zach a small kiss before I went to the kitchen. "I will be okay, Zach. Trust me on this." I smiled at him, then walked to the kitchen alone. I looked back.

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