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After I awake after a long night's rest, the nurses put me in a wheel chair and wheel me out to the car, where Zach and his mom are waiting.

"Hospital precaution." The nurse explains to the pair, and they nod. "Although she will be in a wheel chair for quite I while, I'm afraid."

"It's understandable." Mrs. Gordon snaps her purse shut. "Thank you."

"No problem. It'll take her a little while to heal and start walking, she got hurt pretty badly." The nurse helps me into the car. "I assume this young man will be helping her. The doctor's prescribed bed rest until she feels strong enough to start using a wheelchair, then progress to crutches."

The pair nod. "Great, thank you." Mrs. Gordon shakes the nurse's hand then got into the car. Zach gets in the backseat next to me.

"I missed you." Zach whispered in my ear, and I couldn't help but blush.

"I did too." I whispered back and he grins, one of the grins of a love sick fool. Not saying that Zach's a fool.

We get home, and after Mrs. Gordon wheels me in, I meet Kyle and Josh, along with Mr. Gordon.

"You must be the girl Zach chased after to New York." Kyle says, and holds out a hand. I shake it. "And now he's really gonna be your pet."

Zach looks ready to stab Kyle for embarrassing him so much, but I laugh. "You've deemed him as a pet for me?"

"Yeah, like one of those Chihuahuas rich people carry around all the time." Josh jumps in.

"I'm Amy." I smile at them. They're really nice, but I only think that because Zach likes to call them demons of satan a lot.

"Nice to meet you Amy." Mr. Gordon shakes my hand, then hugs me. "Welcome to the family, for a while anyways."

"Thank you." I nod, and Mrs. Gordon gives me a small tour of the house before showing me where I'll sleep.

"Thanks again." I smile.

"I'm sorry about your mother sweetie. Your uncle will be here in a few months and we'll get this all sorted out, I promise." Mrs. Gordon says, then helps me into the bed.

"It's okay." I tell her, trying to avoid the subject, if I can.

"Call me if you need anything." She smiles, then leaves the room.

For once, I felt safe.


I'm sorry this chapter sucks, writers block... Hopefully I'll get inspiration soon

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