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Amy leaving was a huge deal. I mean, I had it all planned. I would tell her I liked her and ask her to go out with me. If she said yes, and I hoped she would, I would give her a promise bracelet.

But now she was gone, and the surprise was ruined.The day she left I just moped around, but then I had an idea. I still had money for a plane ticket one way, and I did have some relatives that lived in the same building. So I asked Mom.

"Mom, could I get on the next flight to New York?" I asked.

"Absolutely not! You can't just- it's Amy, isn't it?" She asked softly.

"Yeah. I want to be there for her birthday." I said.

"Well the next flight is in two hours, and we still need to inform Uncle Bill. " I nodded quickly.

"Can you book it? I'll pack now." I said, then ran upstairs.

I quickly shoved my clothes in one suitcase and all the stuff I needed on the flight in my backpack. "Mom did you book it? I'm going to be late if I don't get a move on now." I say, dragging the suitcase and lifting my bag on my back.

"Yes, but it will be only you. Is that alright?"She asked.

I nodded. "Can you call a cab so I can get to the airport soon?"

"Sure sweetie. You know, I'm really glad you like Amy."

"Just call the cab service, Mom." Kyle walked down.

"Whoa, what's going on?"

"He's chasing after Amy." Mom answered for me.

"But isn't she... Are you seriously going to New York just to say you like her?" Kyle said.

I glared at him. "Yeah. Got a problem with that?" I asked.

"No, I think it's cool you'd do anything for Amy. Like a pet."

"I am NOT her pet!" I exclaimed.

"The cab's waiting outside Zach. "Mom said.

"Thanks Mom! See you later!" I yelled, and ran out the door with my suitcase and backpack.

Uncle Bill greeted me with wide arms as I walked out into the platform for him to pick me up.

"Hey Zach! So, I heard its a girl." I groaned.

"Something like that Uncle Bill. " I said.

"Well, Abingdon Court, here we come!" He exclaimed.

"So, who's the special little lady?" Uncle Bill asked from the front seat.

"Amy. Amy Willow."

"Ah! The Willows, huh? Yeah, I know them. They live in the same building as I!" Uncle Bill replied enthusiastically. "Such a sad thing when Richard died. And now Barny's gone and gettin' married!"

"Do you know Amy?"

"Sure I do! Poor thing comes to the Willow's every year for a family reunion. Beat, and tattered. I wish Mary wouldn't do that. She's such a sweet youngin'."

"Wait, is Amy depressed?" I blurted out.

"Son, there's a difference between secrets and answers. I wish I could tell you, but I can't. But the poor thing changed."

"What do you mean she changed?"

"I saw her yesterday. Bounce in her step. Twinkle in her eyes when she smiles. Smiles a lot and laughs with a heart. And that was all after she talked to you."

"Really? I haven't noticed it." I replied, shocked.

"Anyway, my old friend Barny Willow invited us to his wedding. And you, are coming and also going to the Fourth of July party Leila Willow is hosting. So we still need to get you a suit." I groaned. "And I believe it is a suit from J. Crew. For the wedding."

"Um, why do I have to go?"

"Unless you want to see the real Amy Willow, I suggest you go back home."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Oh, she's such a sweetie.You'll see next week son. We're going to Roanoke for the wedding."

"Roanoke? Why?"

"The bride grew up there. Her parents want to give her a nice big wedding in Hotel Roanoke, her hometown of course."


"Here we are. Abingdon Court. " He said. "The apartment's small, but it'll tie over. Let's get you inside."

I took my backpack and started heading for the doors. "Son, Amy's out in there. "

"Then I'll wait or just go quickly."

"Then go NOW!"

He pushed me through the doors and into a hallway away from the lobby's line of sight.

"Barny's coming over for dinner. That okay with you?" I nodded.

"Great, so we'll just have takeout. Do you want to watch tv or something?"

"Uh, sure. Thanks." I replied.

"So, tell me more about how you met Amy." He sat down at the table with some water.

"We used to be good friends. Then I became famous and forgot about her. Then she found me and we started hanging out."

"Just like a fairytale. " He remarked.

"Yeah. Like a fairy tale." I replied. "Like a fairy tale."

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