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When I saw Amy, I literally blushed. She was so cute... Hair pulled back in a messy bun, apron covering her orange peasant dress and turquoise leggings, wearing nothing on her feet except different colors of nail polish.

"Zachary? Oh my god, Zach!" She cried running to me.

"Hey Amy." I said, hugging her. She smelled of cinnamon, and some other spices.

After the welcome by Leo and getting cleaned up, dinner arrived and we had a heavy coversation. It was sort of tense. After dinner she left to find Ivy but returned shortly with a smile on her face.

"Want to wait til the fireworks? They're not until around nine." Amy said.

"Sure." And then we could go outside and kiss, I thought.

"Okay,well, what do you want to do? There isn't much here except play on our phones or watch the performance on tv."

"Play on our phones." I shrugged. "Then we can text. Or do you just want to play get to know each other?" I suggested.

She smiled. "Texting twenty questions. 'Kay?" She asked.

"Sure. I just need to figure out the internet password..." I trailed off.

"Oh, I know that." She grabbed my phone and started typing in the password. I looked around for something to do.

"There." She said, giving me my phone back.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Hold on let me get my iphone. It's sort of old."

"iPhone 4s? That's not old at all!" I said.

She shrugged. "My family buys a lot of the apple devices. It's considered old for me. Here, why don't we get started?"

I nodded, added my contact in her phone, then she texted me. (AN: I'm just going to make up stuff for Zach because I really don't know everything about him. Also you can skip this, it's just background stuff for Amy.)

Amy: Ready? You go first.

Me: 1. Favorite movie? I dunno.

Amy: Definitley the Diary of a Wimpy Kid trilogy. And the Harry Potter series. You?

Me: Those as well.

Amy: This sounds so stupid but 2. Favorite color?

Me: Green

Amy: Turquoise.

Me: 3. Favorite book?

Amy: Out of my mind. A Mango shaped space. The BFG. Catch a falling star. The Land of Stories series

Me: Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. That's it.

Amy: 4. Fav Song?

Me: I'm Sexy and I know it

Amy: Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy. Tonight. Mirrors, Justin Timberlake. Happy. Ain't it fun. Good time Owl city.

Me: 5. First crush?

Amy: A boy named Zach.

Me: Oh really? A girl named Amy.

Amy: I'm literally blushing right now. 6. Seven people you love the most.

Me: My whole family, you, uncle bill, and Barny.

Amy: Oh really? Do you like me as a love intrest or a friend?

Me: Uh, friend for now at least.

"GUYS FIREWORKS ARE STARTING!" Leo yelled, and I took Amy's hand and ran outside.

"Amy, I like you, will you be my girlfriend?" I said.

"Are you kidding me? Of course!" Amy said, and threw her arms around me.

"Then I feel like I need to do this." I leaned in and so did she. We kissed. Her lips were warm and soft. When we saw Ivy watching us, we broke apart, looked away from each other and blushed.

It turns out Leila and Trisha had been watching the whole thing from the window, and they cheered when we walked in.

"You're part of the family now Zach!" Leila said.

"Leila, they aren't getting married! They're only fourteen for heaven's sake!" Trisha said. I grinned.

"He's part of the family and that's all it matters! Oh Billy, your nephew has got himself a girlfriend!" Leila shot back and grabbed Uncle Billy.

"Leila, I think we better turn in for the night."

"We're going to the park right before dessert! Would Zach care to join us?" Leila said.

"Oh alright. And it's not because I can't resist anything from Magnolia Bakery." Uncle Billy said.

Amy grabbed my hand. "Zach, do you have a sweater?"

"Yeah,why?" I asked.

"Just bring it! Ruby has a brilliant idea!"Amy said. I chuckled.

"Alright, I already got it."

"Come on guys, lets go!" Amy exclaimed as the three other kids put on their shoes hurridly. They all jumped up at the same time and grabbed their sweaters from random parts of the house.

Grabbing the sleeve of Ivy's sweater and my sweater, Amy started running with all the other kids that were in the front. It was the first time she smiled with her teeth. She didn't do that a lot.

After playing in the park for a little while, we walked home and had some famous Magnolia Bakery Banana bread pudding. It was really good, and I loved the way it just melted in your mouth. It was time to say good bye, so Amy stood in the apartment while I stayed out in the hallway with Uncle Billy.

"So, I'll see you tommorow?" I asked hopefully.

"We'll see, Zach... but I'm pretty sure we're going to the Broadway show Matilda. Then you'll get to see real actors. Some younger than Ivy." Amy said, smiling. "Good Bye Zach."

"Well, good night Amy. Sleep safe." I said.

"I will." She assured me. "I will."

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