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Its been 7 months. Woah.

7 months ago, I showed up at Zach's doorstep, miserable. My mother abused me. Mark abused me. I had no exact purpose to live.

Fast forward to now.

I'm living at Zach's house. I'm not being abused anymore. I have a purpose. I'm happy now.

7 months.

A lot has changed.

3 enormous weights have lifted off my chest and allowed me to breathe.

All because of him.

I can't explain how or why I've fallen for Zach. He's a lot of girls' dreams.

But he's my reality.

7 months ago, if you told me that I would have fallen in love with him, I would have shaken my head, denying every part of that dream.

7 months ago, if you told me that he would have remembered me and fallen for me too, I would have fainted on the spot.

Not today.

7 months.

Its strange how fate moves on its own clock.

While we were eating our snack (apples and peanut butter, for once we picked something healthy!) Zach asked me if I had any New Years Resolutions.

"No." I answered truthfully. "Scratch that - I don't even know. I'm friends with Peyton List, you're my boyfriend, Mom and Mark are restricted from ever hurting me again, and I feel... Safe. I have people and some family who care about me, and I'm happy, no longer living my life in fear. I don't have a need for anything, except for going to Harry Potter World next year."

Zach smiled at me then laughed. I took a bite from my apple slice, which was covered in peanut butter. God, I loved his laugh. I loved how he could just be in the other room, and I'd miss him. I loved how we couldn't be without each other.

"I guess I don't have anything to wish for at all." Zach said. I nodded, my mouth being glued shut by peanut butter. "All I wish for is that you're going to be there in my future in the same position we are now. C'mere." He pulled me into his lap. "You're going to be in my future, no matter what. I will make that happen."

He kissed me softly and slowly. That was another thing I loved about him. His kisses were soft and slow. Our lips were always synchronized to our heartbeats. When I pulled away, he grinned, and I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck.

"Did you give in because you needed me to take care of all of the peanut butter in your mouth?" He asked, chuckling and looking down at me. I giggled.

"No." I pouted. "Because my lips were glued shut and the only way I could unglue it was if you kissed me." He chuckled again.

"Fair enough."

I won.



"10! 9! 8! 7!" We chanted, watching the ball drop. "5! 4!"

Zach dragged me outside.

"Zach! It's raining!" I exclaimed. Inside, Zach's parents and brothers were still chanting. "2! 1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

"Well, even though it's raining, there are fireworks." He looked up and so did I.

The fireworks blended perfectly with the rain, but as much as I appreciated the beauty of it, it was terribly cold.

"It's beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you." Zach said, pulling me closer to him.

"Are you trying to make me blush?"

"As always."

Fireworks exploded above us, while the rain pattered at the ground near our bare feet.

"So, let's hit two cliches right now." He started. "Just like the fourth of July."

"But the fourth of July wasn't raining." I protested. "Zach, it's so cold, can't we go inside?"

"You're perfect at ruining moments, you know that?" He asked and chuckled softly. "Let's try to tackle the cliche of kissing in the rain and under the fireworks."

My eyes widened, and I knew what he was going to do. I settled my arms around his neck, and he settled his hands on my waist.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you." He replied, then ducked in for a kiss.

I knew that when we got back inside, Mrs. Gordon would scold us about being in the rain while Mr. Gordon wrapped us in towels. I knew that Kyle and Josh would pretend to squeal like girls and playfully ask for the gossip of the "lip action".

But right now, this moment was perfect. Nothing else in the world mattered anymore.

Zach pulled away, and I looked into his eyes.

"Hi, I'm Zach." He breathed out breezily.

"Hi, I'm Amy. Zach?"


"I'm glad you remembered me." I whispered.



Sniff. Sniff.


Thank you all for being such good supporters, the sequel will be up in.... January, or I'll start posting then, and thank you for 177 k reads, I love you all so much! The story for R5 will be up this fall so stay tuned!



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