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After Comic Con, we went out to dinner with Olive, Leila, and the kids. Zach, as always, stayed by my side.

"How did the panel go?" I asked Zach while we were waiting for food.

"Great. A lot of fans asked about you. I have a few clips. I'll show you once we get back to the hotel. How was the hall of superheroes?"

"I met a lot of cosplayers, and the panel was pretty funny. We met Robert Downey Jr." I smiled.

"That's awesome." Zach smiled back at me.

Once our food arrived, all of us stopped talking and ate like a pack of hungry wolves. I guess we were all very hungry, since we didn't eat much of lunch earlier, as we had planned.

After dinner, Olive said good bye to us in the lobby, and we headed back to our rooms.

"Let me see the clips." I told Zach. "Please?"

He laughed. "Okay, Amy." he pulled out his phone, then showed me one of the clips.

In it, one of the girls was asking him a question.

"What makes you love Amy?"

"Love? Wow, that's a really strong term, but yeah, I do love her. I love the way that she laughs at herself when she makes a mistake. The way her hair falls into her face and she tries to push it back but always ends up failing. The way her voice is so melodic and beautiful when she sings her heart out. How she always ends up laughing when I won't let her go. It's all the minor details. So yeah, I do love Amy. Every perk and quirk of hers I absolutely love, and it all adds up to her. She's my amazing girlfriend. She is the moon to me, and I am her star." Zach smiled. "There's your answer."

The crowd awwed and the video stopped.

Zach kissed my cheek. "And I mean it, I mean every word. I'm not a huge romantic but-"

"You're incredibly lovable, and that's all I care about." I kissed him on the cheek.

"Really think so?"

"Yup. Even if you're a wimpy kid. Pun not intended." My hair brushed on the right side of my face.

"Hey! I have some muscles!"

"Sure, Mr. Superstar." I giggled. Since when did I GIGGLE?!

"We can head to bed early... or have a movie marathon." Zach grinned.

"Sleep early?" I asked.

"Oh wait. You promised to cuddle me this morning. I'm still waiting for that cuddle."

"Change into your pjs and then we can cuddle." I told him, then after I grabbed my shorts and oversized t-shirt, he pushed me into the bathroom.

I managed to change faster than Zach, which I don't know how that is logically possible. I walked out and sat on the bed, grabbing my phone and going on Twitter, not noticing that Zach was only in his underwear. Luckily, he didn't notice I was sitting on the bed until he was finished dressing.

"How long were you there?"

"A few seconds at most." I shrugged. "Don't worry I didn't see anything graphical."

He sighed with relief. "Thank god."

"So, um." I put my phone away.

He sat on the bed and hugged me. "There." I giggled. Again, SINCE WHEN DID I GIGGLE?!

"Actually no, that's not cuddling." I giggled again.

"Fine. Movie marathon and cuddle in the duration of it?" He laughed.

"Yup." I replied.

We ended up putting in some old disney movie, and not paying attention to it much.

"Is that one of my shirts?" Zach asked and poked me.

"I stole it out of your suitcase. No regrets." I smiled.

"Keep it, it looks cute on you."

"Bet it would be cuter on you."

"Nah. And whatever you wear, you'll still be cute."

I smiled at the thought, but became sleepy. I turned on my right side, and curled up. Zach curved around me, then wrapped his arms around my waist, and pulled me close to him.

I loved these moments. Where words and emotions could be expressed by simple actions.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled back, and drifted off to sleep.


I'm so sorry this chapter is so sloppy. It was thrown together in an hour because Camp NaNoWriMo is tomorrow and I'm practicing. This chapter is only 2 pages and I know its boring, but these past three chapters should be able to hold you guys until the end of April (Unless you guys complain and tell me that I need to update) so yeah, I love you all and see you guys at the end of April!



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