Chapter 6

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Everyone refused to go to sleep, so we started cleaning up the massacre instead. We were separating the bodies. Members of our group would be buried while the walkers were burned. Carol, Lori, and Morales's family stayed in a tent; they were doing their best from preventing the kids from seeing any more. Andrea was still next to her sister's body; Amy was gone long ago but no one could convince Andrea to let her sister go.

I was standing in the brain section with Daryl, when I saw everyone come out of their tents. I raised my pickaxe and slammed it into the walker's head, its skull crushing beneath the force. Lori was trying to talk to Andrea, but she hadn't said a word. Her sister had just died were people seriously thinking she would willingly give up her sister.

I wiped my forehead when I stood up, I hated the sun. Daryl impaled his own walker before walking off, Glenn and T-Dog grabbed the walker's bodies and oversaw throwing them into a fire. The smell was horrible, it was so bad that if you took a deep breath you would gag. I moved away from the fire, hoping to put a little bit of distance between that stench. I was standing near Shane when Rick walked up to us.

"She still won't move?" he asked looking at Lori, she shook her head as I sighed. "She won't even talk to us. She's been there all night. What do we do?" Lori asked rubbing her hands together. "We can't just leave Amy like that. We need to deal with it, same as the others." Shane said as we all watched Andrea. I shook my head. "I'll tell her how it is." Rick said before walking towards her, only for her to point her gun at him. With hands raised he backed away, not wanting to be shot.

"Y'all can't be serious. Let that girl hamstring us?" Daryl said with the pickaxe over his shoulder, while I was leaning on mine. "The dead girl's a time bomb." He snapped, I turned and gave him a glare. "Watch it Dixon." I almost growled, giving him another look but he just shook his head. "What do you suggest?" Rick asked, the question directed at Daryl. The redneck looked at me but took a step closer to Rick.

"Take the shot. Clean, in the brain from here. Hell, I can hit a turkey between the eyes from this distance." Daryl explained pointing at Andrea and Amy. "She's not a fucking turkey, Daryl. She is a human being. I know we need to take care of it before she turns, but for Christ's sake. It wouldn't kill you to show some compassion." I spat at him before looking at the group, I left my pickaxe before slowly walking up to Andrea. I was hoping she wouldn't shoot me.

"Please just leave me alone." Andrea begged but I crouched down beside her, putting my hand to her shoulder. "You are the one who has to take care of her, you are her big sister. Even now she needs you to stop her from becoming a walker, but you are the only one who should do it." I told her, and for a moment she looked at me with tears in her eyes. I could tell that she understood, and it was her duty, she nodded. "I'm here for you, when you need me, call me." I whispered to her before standing up and walking back to the group.

"She'll do it herself but give her some space. Can we please get back to work? It reeks." I turned my nose up, I really hated the smell. Daryl scoffed but got to work, I followed him. Joining him at our station as the others watched Andrea. "Wake up, Jimbo. We've got some work to do." Daryl said walking past him, Jim had been acting strange. Just a few moments ago he was looking at the sky, just standing there.

I drove my pickaxe into another walker head when I heard Glenn shouting. I dropped my pickaxe and hurried over to them. Daryl and Morales were dragging a body to the fire, but the body was Ben, one of our own. I stood beside Glenn, stopping them from moving the body to the fire. "We don't burn them! We bury them. Understand?" He yelled at Daryl; I could tell this was hurting him. Glenn had a big heart, even though he hardly knew any of the people here it hurt having to bury them. For a moment no one said anything, "Please put him in the row." I quietly asked Daryl. He focused his eyes on me, his arms were covered in dirt and his hair was wet with sweat. With nothing else said, Morales and Dixon pulled the body to the row.

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