Chapter 14

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Comfortable silence hovered over us as we walked back to the highway. As we neared the RV, I saw Carol disappointingly climb off the roof. I sighed when she slammed the door behind her, everyday it got harder seeing that look on her face. Daryl looked at me, before sending me a nod and walking towards the RV. "Night Dale." I called out to the man on the RV before heading back to the water truck. The one thing I was grateful for was that Georgia was barely ever cold and laying here while staring at the stars helped me forget how crappy the worlds become.

Slowly I drifted off to sleep, hoping that any dreams would stay at bay until the morning. My hopes were answered when I dreamt of nothing, I had only woken up because the sun was far over the horizon. For the first time in a long time, I overslept. I got off the truck and did what was considered a routine; I ate, gathered my things, and made myself looks decent. When I was done, I shouldered my backpack and made my way to the RV.

When I got there, Carol was standing in front of the dulled yellow mustang. On the window was a message written in paint: "Sophia stay here, we will come everyday". On the bonnet of the car were cans of food, a flashlight, and a blanket. All those supplies were meant for Sophia, if she found her way out of the woods, and we weren't there.

By the time we were ready to go, Carol sadly looked back at the woods before getting into the RV. I got onto the back of Daryl's motorcycle, while Andrea drove a car that Shane had started before everyone went their separate ways. We drove to the bypass and looked for a mailbox that said Greene before we drove on the dirt road that led us to a farm. The farm looked so untouched by the outside world, and it was beautiful.

As we came closer, we saw everyone gathering rocks under a tree, there were people who I had never seen before but the sadness of their faces made my heart drop. For a moment I think of Carl, the little kid that I watched play and have fun. Even with my eyes dried out from the ride, I fought the urge to cry. Once we stopped near this farmhouse that was painted white, we got off and out of our vehicles to be greeted by everyone. However, for the first minute no one said a word which cause a lump to form in my throat.

My eyes darted at everyone; Rick and Lori looked exhausted, Glenn had a sad smile on his face, T-Dog looked better than when he left the highway, Shane's hair was completely shaven off, the country girl was watching me with a frown and an elderly man who looked like Santa watched us. "How is he?" I asked cautiously taking a step forward, Lori sent me a smile before nodding. "He'll pull through." She said, I sighed and walked over to he before giving her a hug. "Thanks to Hershel and his people." Shane said once I pulled away from Lori, I looked at Santa who I assumed was Hershel and gave him a nod of gratitude. "And Shane, we would've lost Carl if it weren't for him."

Everyone let out a breath of relief before started hugging Lori and Rick, thankful that Carl was going to be okay. "How'd it happen?" Dale asked Rick after pulling away from their embrace, "Hunting accident. That's all it was, an accident." He said before resting his hands on his belt. "It's time." The man on the porch said before walking with the people I did not know. "Otis, a family member, gave his life to save Shane after they tried getting supplies." Glenn explained as he gave me a side hug, with his arm still around me he explained the tragic story.

As we stood there, watching as the family piled rocks on top of one another, I realized how everything in this world came at a price. Even the cost of living, came with death, even if it wasn't your own. Glenn pointed and told me the names of the family: Hershel, Maggie, Beth, Patricia, and a family friend whose name Glenn didn't remember. Patricia was sobbing as she cried uncontrollably, mourning the death of her husband. My heart ached as I recalled the feeling of being wrapped up in your own mourning. Hershel was reading from the bible in his hands as Maggie and Beth were standing on either side of Patricia, holding her as she cried. Everyone watched the Greene's, but my eyes were on Shane. He was wearing oversized overalls and was staring into the distance, through the weeks I had known the man, he'd never looked so unhinged.

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