Chapter 24

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"I spoke to this guy, he ain't a good kid." I heard a familiar rough southern accent say, which caused me to look up from where I was sitting. I squinted my eyes as the sun slightly blinded me. I was sitting in the middle of the field, leaning against the fence. "So? There were worse people alive who were in prison. Doesn't mean we should kill someone." I told him with a sigh, even knowing Randall staying alive might get us killed, I didn't like the idea. 

Daryl cleared his throat before taking a seat next to me, plucking some of the grass out of the ground and pinching it between his fingers. "He had this look in his eyes. That kid, that group, it just don't feel right." he said, I kept my eyes trained on my shoes as I sighed once again. "I guess I'm just not ready to have another person's blood on my hands. After what happened at the bar, I'm scared it get easier...taking another person's life like it meant nothing."

"Hey, look at me," Daryl said and I did, the man was as dirty as usual but somehow it good knowing he didn't change from the few days we didn't speak. I nodded before he continued to speak, "We do this to survive. It wont be on your hands, it'll be on mine. And if thats the price of keeping the group safe, keeping you safe from this gang, I'm fine with that." he said, and I didn't look away after the words left his mouth.

Daryl looked away before clearing his throat, "Come on, I got shit to do and you could learn a thing or two." The redneck said before he got up and started walking towards his camp that was still in the tree line away from the rest of the group.

When we got to his camp he started showing me how to make an arrow by hand. Daryl showed me how to carve the wood correctly and how to make sure the arrow will fly. He wouldn't let me shoot his crossbow though. While he was gathering sticks so I could try making one of my own without his guidance, Dale walked up to camp. I stood up and walked towards both of them.

"The whole point of me coming up here is to get away from some of you people." Daryl scoffed, I nudged him gently but he shook his head before I turned to Dale. "It's gonna take more than that." he said before dropping a stick that was in his hands. "Carol send you?" Daryl asked as he counted the sticks in his hands, I thought it was sweet that I wasn't the only one keeping an eye on Daryl. "She's not the only one who is concerned about you." Dale said before looking at me, for some reason I felt defensive about it.

"This group is broken." Daryl said, and it was funny because he was speaking to the two people who already knew this. "Better off defending for myself." he finished, those words had hurt me more than I thought it would. I stepped away and stood next to Dale. "You act like you don't care." I suggested, which would be strange because sometimes it sounded like he did care, sometimes.

"Yeah, it's cause I don't." He said before putting on his leather jacket with the material sleeves, the back of the jacket had two weathered wings.

"Then stand with me, and Aideen, to try and save the kid's life." Dale tried to convince Daryl, the wise elderly man didn't even need to speak to me after witnessing my conversation with Rick, to know I was against killing Randall. "No." Daryl said as he continued to put his things together. Dale looked tired. "Your opinion matters. It matters to me, to Aideen and Carol. You have Rick's ear and this isn't you."

"His right, torturing people isn't you and Rick shouldn't have asked you to do that." I butted in before Daryl started walking off. "Shane is a different story, he isn't a good man." Dale said before looking at me. Daryl stood there looking at us with his crossbow over his shoulder. 

"I know he ain't. He killed Otis and hurt Aideen. The dude's psycho." Daryl scoffed, but stood there and allowed Dale to make his case. "Rick didn't figure it out cause he didn't wanna, but that's their business. But I know how desperate fear can make a man, and the kid, Randall...did terrible things to women, to teenage girls. So, no. I ain't helping you old man, if that kid dying means we save our own asses, let it be." was the last thing Daryl said before walking off into the woods to hunt. 

The Walking Dead (Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें