Chapter 32

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Aideen, get your ass up. I heard a voice call out into the darkness, I felt like I was standing in an abyss. "I can't. I'm so tired." I choked out as the tears came. Everything in me felt deflated, like even breathing felt like too much hard work. I don't care, get up. Standing in the darkness, I cried and shook my head. "Can't you hear me? I said I can't!" I screamed at the voice.

Darlin' I need you to open your eyes, get up. "Why? Tell me why? I'm not strong! And I don't feel like fighting anymore! So, tell me. Tell me why I should?" I screamed as I collapsed to my knees, I felt the tears fall and I felt the sleepiness behind my eyes. Because I need you, Aideen. So, get up! I heard Daryl's voice yell at me, so I did. I opened my eyes.

I couldn't get up but, I kept my eyes open. I was in the dark storage room; it was small and covered in dust. "They have to know I'm alive." I whispered to myself as my eyelids started to close, I raised my hand and banged on the door, softly but it created no noise. I kept doing the same movement, hoping that someone would find me.

I'm not sure how much time had passed. All I knew was that every time I fell into the darkness, Daryl brought me back. I'd lost count after I passed out for the seventh time, but every time I was awake, I banged on the door until I cried. The more I passed out, the weaker I became. Every time I heard Daryl's nickname for me, I widened my eyes hoping that it wasn't a fever dream. But every time, I was disappointed. 

Voices filled my ears, but I was sure it was in my head, but I still pushed the door, trying to get anyone's attention. There was no tear's left in me to cry as the more hopeless I got, but Daryl voice kept me pushing the door. When I heard noises, I tried to push harder. 

Suddenly, there was a loud bang before it swung open. I opened my eyes and found Daryl crouched, looking at me with disbelief in his eyes. I wanted to make a joke, to make some funny remark about him taking his time but I didn't have any power left in me to do so. I left his hand grip my chin as he lowered a knife that looked similar to mine. I felt his arms in case me before he lifted me up. My head resting in the crook of his neck. 

"I got you Darlin'." I heard him whisper in the gentlest voice I've ever heard come from him. I smiled before letting the abyss engulf me, and finally allowing myself rest knowing that I was safe in his arms.


I felt a cold feeling on my face when I woke up. The sound of footsteps and keys approached, before I saw Rick standing in the doorway. With the help of the bunk bed frame, I pulled myself up, stood up as he came towards me and hugged me. I patted his back. "Thank God." I heard him say into my shoulder. They all must have thought I was dead, and that's why it took so long to look for me. I wasn't angry, but I was relieved that I was finally back.

I saw Hershel, Beth and Daryl as well. After hugging Rick, I moved on to Hershel. "How?" he asked as I hugged him, careful not to put to much pressure on his balance. "Solitary." I joked. "Poor thing fought her way into a storage room. Passed out. Dehydrated. But she made her way back to us." I heard Daryl say, I smiled before my eyes landed on Beth, who had a baby in her hands.

At first, I felt pure joy but when I looked back at Rick, somehow I knew Lori didn't make it. We never saw eye to eye, but that didn't make her a bad person. I hugged Rick once again and told him how sorry I was, even though I knew those words did nothing for him. I turned and saw Carl standing behind Beth, I walked to him and hugged him.

His sobs were muffled my shirt as I held him. Eventually, he pulled away and walked off. I understood that he needed more time. I turned to Beth and the baby. It was the most precious thing I had ever seen. The little girl was wrapped in a pink blanket, sleeping soundly. I wanted to hold her, but I was still covered in dirt and blood.

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