Chapter 26

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The only vehicle that we still had to move was the RV, Glenn came with me so we could move it closer to the house. I got in the RV and sat in the driver's seat, I pumped the gas three times before trying to start the RV but it wouldn't start. Sitting there, made me feel better. These were difficult times, if we got stuck and didn't move forward, it wouldn't end well for ourselves never mind the whole group.

I popped the grid of the RV and got out with the tool box in hand. Glenn and I stood there as he fixed the problem. We looked at one another and smiled slightly. "We let him down but I know he forgave us. Together, we'll move on but we won't forget him. I promise." Glenn told me when he was finished, I nodded my head before setting down the tool box and giving my best friend a hug as I tried not to cry.

"Thanks, Glenn." I muttered into his shoulder and he patted my back as he thanked me as well, I pulled away and wiped my eyes. "What for?" I asked him, and Glenn smiled before picking up the tool box. "For making sure my idiot moments are short lived." he told me, which made me smile. I knew he would come to his senses eventually. "Yeah, yeah. I know I just admitted to being a dumbass. Now go start her up." he said nudging me to the RV.

With a smile on my face I climbed into the RV and sat in the driver's seat once again. I pumped the gas three times before the RV came to life, and it was almost like Dale was right there. Glenn and I cried out in victory, Glenn sat in the passenger side as we drove the RV to the farmhouse where everyone was still busy working despite the setting sun.

When we got out the car Jimmy and Beth were bordering up the windows with planks of wood, as I watch Rick walk into the barn. I knew he wanted to talk to Carl before they left to drop off Randall in the middle of nowhere.

The blue pick up truck was outside of the house and I saw Daryl putting jugs of water in the back. I walked up to him and sat on the back of the truck, allowing my legs to hang. "Be careful out there." I told him as I looked down at my feet. "I'm comin' back, Aideen. Whether you want me to or not." I heard him mumble, I looked up at him. "I want you to." I said, and we didn't break eye contact until T-Dogs voice sliced through the air.

"Only got so many arrows." he said as he tried to hand Daryl a gun which he took. "It's Dale's gun?" he question, T-Dog looked at me before tapping the truck as I got off. "Yeah." he said as I helped him close the back of the truck. I saw Rick out of the corner of my eye, his hand on his gun as he asked Daryl if he was ready. "Yeah."

"We'll get the package." I said looking over at T-Dog and he nodded, Rick thanked us before wee walked off to the shed. Each of us holding our gun's incase Randall tried to get away. We had a light conversation about winter as we neared the shed and T-Dog started putting in the combination to the lock. "Yo, Randy. Governor called. You're off the hook." T-Dog banged on the door before swinging it open and walking in.

"Oh, hell no!" I heard him yell, I ran into the shed and the only ones who were in it, was T-Dog and myself. "Shit!" 

We took of running to Rick and the other to let him know that Randall had escaped. "Daryl! Rick!" I yelled as we neared the house, they ran to meet us half way. I felt Daryl's hand on my shoulder as I was breathing hard. "What's wrong?" Rick asked, out of breath T-Dog and I explained to him that Randall had escaped. 

Everyone gathered around the shed as we tried to figure how he escaped. "The door was locked from the outside, he must have gotten out somewhere else." I said as everyone looked over the bloody cuffs, as panic started to flutter around the group. Suddenly we heard Rick's name being called and we all looked towards the tree line. Stepping out of the woods with a bloodied face was none other than Shane. Despite the panic in my chest, his broken nose gave me comfort knowing he was in pain.

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