Chapter 28

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Rick kicked the door open and shot one of the two walkers inside, I shot the other one. Both bodies dropped to the floor as Carl and Daryl walked in behind us, we separated and searched the building we would camp in for the night. The silencer of the tip of my gun was heavy, but I was grateful I didn't have to be concerned about the noise.

With my gun raised and my flashlight shining, I scanned through every room just as everyone else did. Looking for any sort of danger, or most importantly, food. This had become the routine for the past few months, we were constantly on the move, jumping from house to house looking for food and water just so we could survive. It wasn't glamorous but we made it work, and eventually everyone understood that Rick was doing his best to keep us all alive. 

I didn't find any food so I went back to the main door and signaled the rest to come inside, everyone walked past me holding different blankets and bags. T-Dog and I started securing the windows and doors after everyone got inside. Maggie and Glenn were moving the walkers to one side. 

I walked into the room that everyone was beginning to settle in for the night. Everyone looked exhausted and hungry. Lori was eating the peanut butter, but everyone gave her food first because she was pregnant. Carol and Beth sat next to her, while Hershel sat near the doorway. Daryl was sitting on a chair and plucking an owl, I would've felt bad for the majestic animal if I wasn't so hungry. Maggie and Glenn were sitting beside each other, Glenn had finally took my advice and they had been together since the farm, almost inseparable.

Carl walked into the room with several cans under his arms, he got onto his knees next to Beth and started opening them with a can opener. Everyone watched him as he did it, we all saw the labels, it was dog food. When the world goes to hell, the only thing people don't raid is dog food, and it made sense but we had to eat, even if we hated every bite of it.

Rick turned to look at his son, and walked over grabbing one of the cans. We watched him as he threw it into the fireplace angrily, everyone remained quiet. I understood his anger, we still didn't have a place to call home after eight months, It was starting to weight down on everyone especially him. No one said anything, we weren't afraid that he would hurt us but with his new found rage for the world, we all learnt it was better to stay quiet than say anything at all.

T-Dog was standing by the window before he moved his head, signaling everyone that it was time to go. There were walkers around this area, so we wouldn't be able to call this place a shelter, so we all grabbed out things and darted on by one out of the house. Maggie, Daryl and I gave everyone cover as the packed the things we had and rushed to get into their cars. When I saw Maggie was in the car and I heard Daryl's motorcycle roar to life, I holstered my weapon before jumping onto the back of the motorcycle.

We lead the cars away from the area that was crawling with walkers, everyone was too tired to fight them so we sped away, trying to look for another shelter for the night. Eventually we stopped on a quiet road so that we could discuss where to go. When Daryl stopped, I got off and stretched before tying my hair up into a small ponytail, this no way to cut my hair I've had to just let it grow.

Rick put Carl on watch as T-Dog threw the map onto one of the cars, we circled it. I leaned against the car beside Daryl and looked at all the red markings on the map. "When this herd meets up with this one, we'll be cut off. We'll never make it south." I told everyone as I pointed at the dotted circles that symbolized massive herds, like the one's that took the farm. "What would you say? That was about 150 head?" Daryl asked looking at me, and I sighed but Glenn answered to I didn't have to.

"That was last week. It could be twice that size by now." Glenn said as he squinted, the sun shining in his face. "This river could have delayed them. If we move fast, we might have a shot to tear right through here." Hershel suggested as he pointed at the blue lines on the map as well as another area. We continued to talk about where to go and Rick still spoke about trying to find a place to stay for a few weeks. With Lori almost due for the baby, I understood why.

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