Chapter 11

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Daryl had forced me to stay, and he told Dale to change my bandages so I couldn't get away. I was sitting by the steps on the RV when he put a bandage around my leg before tending to T-Dog who had a massive gash in his arm. The rest of us stood by the barrier waiting in anticipation, everyone was too afraid to say anything as Carol was still sobbing in Lori's arms.

Shane came back and gave everyone choirs, Dale made T-Dog and I sit on a yellow mustang as we were the only injured. I tried to comfort Carol, but she was too busy looking at the woods. Shane and Andrea were moving cars out of the way. Carol looked around the group and she snapped, "Why aren't we all out there looking for my daughter? Why are we moving cars?" she asked folding her arms over her chest, almost as if she was trying to hold herself.

"We have to clear enough room so I can get the RV turned around as soon as its running." Dale explained as Glenn walked towards T-Dog and I. "How are you two feeling?" he asked putting his hand on my shoulder. I looked back at T-Dog and saw the clear discomfort on his face. "I think I speak for the both of us, like shit." I said which earned me an agreeable nod. Andrea came towards us and tossed a water bottle to Glenn and I. "Thanks!" I called out to her; she came to stand by me as Andrea turned to the group.

"I'm freaked out from that herd that passed us by. Or whatever you'd call it." She said before taking a sip from her water, I joined her and drank the warm water. I missed have a refrigerator. "Yeah, what was that?" I asked looking at everyone, but I was not the only one who was confused over what we had experienced. "Yeah, all of them were just marching alone. It was weird." Glenn said before leaning against the car next to Andrea.

"Herd, that sounds about right." Shane said looking over at Andrea before he cleared his throat, "Come on, we still got a lot to do. Let's stay on it." He ordered before everyone went their own ways to help. T-Dog and I spoke as I tried to keep his mind off the pain, we spoke about best fast-food restaurant before the outbreak.

While we waited Andrea and Dale had a dispute, and Shane wanted to take all the guns away of those who weren't trained. I became more aware of the weight of the gun that was press to my back. By the time the sun was beginning to set we heard a rustling coming from the woods. I stood up, eager to welcome Sofia back but my expectations were soon crushed when I saw it was only Rick and Daryl.

As soon as Carol saw that Sofia wasn't with them, she almost burst out in tears. "You didn't find her?" she asked as her voice broke, they came closer and I could see the regret in Ricks eyes. Daryl looked at Carol as if he couldn't handle watching her cry. "Her trail went cold." Rick said as he climbed over the barrier before he continued, "We'll pick it up again at first light."

"You can't leave my daughter out there on her own to spend a night in the woods." She said looking over at Rick, Lori came towards Carol prepared to comfort her. "Out in the dark's not good. We'd just be tripping over ourselves. More people get lost." Daryl explained as he shook his head, I knew he was trying to show compassion. "She's twelve. She can't be out there on her own. You didn't find anything?" Carol cried, her eyes were red and so was her nose.

"I know this is hard. But I'm asking you not to panic. We know she was out there." Rick explained trying to calm down the worried mother, Daryl stepped in needing to say something. "And we tracked her for a while." He looked over at me, I could see the guilt in his eyes. He wanted to find her, not just for Carol but for himself.

"We have to make this an organized effort. Daryl knows the woods better than anybody, I've asked him to oversee this." Rick said, the rest of the group silently watched as Carol started freaking out the blood on Daryl's shirt. They explained that they gutted a walker to make sure that it wasn't anywhere near Sofia. Carol sat down on the barrier; Lori sat next to her trying to comfort her. However, the worried mother turned to Rick and me.

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