Chapter 23

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A few days passed after the heated meeting, and it was almost like everyone was on auto pilot. We did what we did best, do chores and tried to keep our minds off of the elephant in the room, Randall. Shane and Rick had many arguments about what to do with the kid we had saved, T-Dog and Andrea agreed with Shane while the rest of us agreed with Rick. 

I had been to tired to think about it, my own mind was focused on the nightmare's I was having about Tony and why it still felt strange being around Daryl. I was grateful he stayed, but he hadn't spoken a word to one another since that night he exploded on me. Not that I was expecting an apology from Daryl Dixon, but getting check on would've been nice.

Glenn felt guilty over the face that he froze and that was why he fought with Maggie, but I urged him to get over it and make up. He did not listen to me. I wanted them to be on good terms, but until then I was still sleeping in his tent. 

For the days that had passed I spent most of my time on watch with Dale or doing laundry with Carol, and Lori. Lori and I were on better terms, she had even thanked me for saving Rick's life. Carl thanked me as well, and we played checkers every night before bed, in a matter of days it had become a routine I enjoyed. 

I was busy making lunch with Maggie, while the thought of Shane and Rick crossed my mind. They had left earlier today, to go drop of Randall eighteen miles out so that he wouldn't find his way back to the farm, it was to keep us safe from the possibility of an attack from Randall's people. I thought they should have gone farther but I understood we couldn't waste the fuel.

"What happened to Glenn when you guy's were in town?" Maggie asked me, her voice pulled me out of my own thoughts and to the present moment.  "He almost got shot so we dived behind a dumpster, at least he was okay. I know he feels guilty about it but, anyone would've done what he did." I explained as I cut the chicken that was on the board in front of me, Maggie was chopping the vegetables.

"He's not the same, the guilt that he feels...he feels useless when he is one of the most important people in the group. And because of it, he wont come near me."

"What can I say? My best friend is a dumbass, but with you around...he'll come to his sense one way or another."

She smiled at me as I reassured her, Maggie Greene was a good person and she didn't deserve this insecurities that Glenn was placing on her. I took out a tray and started putting a plate of food together for Beth, she was still in the bed but she had come out of her shocked state. However, a blind man could tell she wasn't doing well. She was depressed, and when you're a teenager, those episodes hit hard...especially if you aren't ready for them.

"Eat something, I'll take this to Beth." I told Maggie before handing her a plate, she smiled gratefully as I threw a dish towel over my shoulder and picked up the tray with her food on. I walked to her room before placing it on the dresser beside the bed. Beth sat up and looked over at the food and then back at me. Her hair was a mess and their were bags under her eyes, she looked dull, almost lifeless. 

"Eat something off of that plate and we can go walk for a bit, maybe go pet the horses?" I suggested, the young girl looked like she needed sunlight. And for a moment, she reminded me of Sophia. "Why? There's no point." she said staring ahead of her, dazed. "There is always a point Beth. Eat up." I said before walking out of the room.

I felt like Rick, and I understood what he meant when he spoke about keeping the hope alive even if we didn't believe it ourselves.

I went to say on the porch for a few minutes, and gave Beth a few minutes to eat her food. Before eventually I got up and went to her room. I heard her quiet whimpers when I looked at the untouched food, my gaze fell on the crying girl. I crouched down beside her bed and held onto her forearm, she didn't turn to look at me.

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