Chapter 15

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My tent was still missing when T-Dog came running towards us and telling us something happened at one of the wells that surrounded the property. Without thinking about it, Glenn, Maggie, and I ran towards the well he had pointed at. My first thought was that Dale got hurt if he suffered from a serious injury...I didn't even want to finish the thought. When we got to one of the wells, the boards covering it were broken. Cautiously I stepped forward and looked down the well before the smell brought tears to my eyes. Just then Shane and Andrea ran up to us with T-Dog, we all stood around the well and looked down.

At the bottom of the well was a walker, but it wasn't normal. It's eyes and entire body was swelled up, like it had absorbed the water around it. It was so discolored and as it growled, it moved blindly in the water. "Huh, looks like we've got us a swimmer." Dale commented as he shined a flashlight at the wet corpse. "How long do you think it's been down there?" Glenn asked looking at us, I shrugged before answering, "A few days maybe. We can't leave it in there. Who knows what it's doing to the water."

"Aideen's right, we gotta get it out." Shane said looking up from the well, I sent him a glare that was filled with disgust, just being around him made my skin crawl. "I say we put a bullet in its head." T-Dog suggested before anxiously picking at the tape around his arm, I shook my head before crossing my arms over my chest. "If it hasn't contaminated the water, mixing its blood in the water will finish the job." I said, Andrea nodded before saying that shooting it would be a stupid plan.

"So, it has to come out alive?" T-Dog asked, clearly not on board with that idea. "So, to speak." Shane said tilting his head to the side, I rolled my eyes at his attempt so joke about the situation. "How do we do that?" Glenn asked, he had his hands on his knees as he looked down into the well. We stood there staring at the well and throwing out ideas for the others to judge. Glenn said something to Maggie, she nodded before jogging to the house. She came back with a canned ham and fishing hooks.

"If we bait it to the side of the well, we can lower this rope over the walker before pulling it out." Glenn said while wrapping the ham in fishing line and hooks, it was almost a good plan. Most of us agreed that it was the best plan we could come up with. However, as we lowered the ham down the well, the walker didn't even look at it never mind try to devour it. Glenn handed the stick that held the bait before looking down. "He's not going for it." I said as I tried wiggling the ham more but to no prevail.

"Maybe 'cause as canned ham don't kick and scream when you try to eat it." T-Dog commented as he paced beside the well, I shifted when Shane came to stand beside me. "He's right." Andrea sighed before looking at all of us. "There's a reason the dead didn't come back to life and start raiding our cupboards." I looked down at the walker and realized what needed to be done, "We need live bait."

Everyone turned to slowly look at Glenn, but I cut in, "No. There is no way his going down there. I'll go." I said looking at the others, before Glenn shook his head. "It's my turn, you ran in Atlanta for the guns and now I have to get the walker to look up. I'll be okay." Glenn reassured me before putting a hand on my shoulder, I sighed before nodding. Maggie was looking between us, like she was trying to uncover something. Shane, Dale, Andrea, and T-Dog set up a roping system as we stood to the side and watched.

"I don't think we've officially met. Maggie." The country girl said holding out her hand as she squinted because of the sun's rays. "Aideen. Thank you for helping save Carl and letting us stay on your property. You have no idea what it means to us." I said after shaking her head, I turned to see them putting the rope on Glenn. "It's not a problem. But um, can I ask you something?" she asked not looking away from the other, I shrugged and nodded my head. "So, you and Glenn..." Maggie trailed off and I almost laughed at her, I shook my head. "No, we're just really good friends. Plus, I think his got his eye on someone else." I commented with a smile, Maggie smiled back as we both looked at Glenn. Just then he looked up and his gaze was trained of the country girl.

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