Chapter 19

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Despite the fact that I was terrified Shane would come try and suffocate me in the middle of the night, I felt strangely safe sleeping in the same tent as Daryl. I didn't feel the need to have my gun beneath my pillow, and not to mention I barely had any of my usual nightmares. Strangely enough, I dreamt of nothing.

After hearing the chirping of birds and all kinds of sounds from nature, I woke up and could hear the slight chatter of the group. When I sat up, I felt the urge to stretch as I yawned. It was a good night's rest, despite everything that had happened yesterday. Looking over to my side, I realized Daryl wasn't in his bed. Being put on bed rest must have finally driven him insane.

Before leaving the tent, I changed into a fresh pair of clothes, while folding my dirty pair for laundry day I could smell the breakfast being cooked over the open fire. I made myself look slightly presentable before stepping out into the fresh air. The Georgia sun had already got to work on making today another filled with heat and humidity kind of day.

As I approached the group, steeping over the tree roots that had crawled out of the ground, I muttered a good morning which earned me several greeting in return. Carol was crouched by the fire with a pan filled with scrambled eggs, my stomach growled hungrily at the sight of food. Daryl was sitting, leaned back into a camp chair with a hand under his chin as he glared at Shane. I walked over and sat in the seat beside him, "Daryl, stop that. You're making it obvious." I whispered as my eyes darted over the camp, hopping Shane wouldn't look in our direction.

"Why? I ain't afraid him." The redneck said with a shrug, I sighed before leaning back into the camp chair that was most probably someone else's. "It doesn't matter if you're not afraid of him, could you just stop? Please?" I pleaded, and for a few deafening moments, Daryl looked away from Shane and directly at me. "Fine." he said before getting up and grabbing a plate of food, I felt slightly at ease. I had never been good at confrontation when it came to people like Shane.

I followed Daryl's lead and grabbed a plate of my own, in home to quiet the growling noises. We returned to the seat we originally sat at, and ate in silence while everyone else chattered away. Andrea was sharpening her knife against a cheese grater, the sound cause several chills to run down my spine. I tried to drown out the sound, while also trying not to think of a fork scratching against a plate.

The Grimes family were eating on the other side of the fire, but Rick was zoned out, deep in thought. Glenn was staring at the farmhouse, at first I thought he was day dreaming about Maggie but when I looked at the house; Maggie was standing on the porch with her arms folded over her chest, and she was shaking her head. After seeing that, I snapped my gaze back to Glenn who looked conflicted. 

Glenn looked at Dale who was slowly nodding his head, had I missed something once again? "Eggs?" I heard Carols voice ask as she pulled me out of my mind. "Yeah, I'll take some." I nodded as she scrapped some more eggs in my plate. Daryl didn't ask, he just stuck his plate out towards her. Silently, she put more eggs into his plate and he immediately began eating. "Slow down, its not gonna run." I joked which earned me a scoff, but he did taking slower bites.

"Um, guys." Glenn spoke grabbing all of our attention, when I looked over at him, he seemed nervous. His hands were in and out of his pockets as he nervously touched his face, his eyes darting between Dale and the farmhouse. "So...The barn is full of walkers." he blurted out, and almost everyone froze with shock. Without saying a word, Rick and Shane were the first ones out of their seats storming towards the barn. Everyone else dropped what they were doing and followed, our apatite immediately vanished.

I stormed towards Glenn and grabbed his sleeve, "What the hell? Glenn, why didn't you tell me?" I asked him as we walked towards the barn, he looked at me with wide eyes. "You told me not to!" he defended, and I threw my hands in the air, I admit it was a bit dramatic but when you find out you could have died by the hands of the dead, you get a bit mad. "I thought it was something with Maggie, this is different!" I whispered and he sighed.

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