Chapter 30

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I woke up sweating and gasping for breath. I held my chest as it ached, and I felt the heat radiating off my checks as the tears fell. I looked around the dark call and tired to focus on slowing my breathing. My heart slowly turned to normal as I reminded myself that it was just a dream, just a nightmare. It had been one of my old reoccurring nightmares but it was different.

I wasn't running alone, I was running with my brother Jordon.  I did my best to keep him quiet as we hid from the person trying to hurt us, but it was difficult because was scared. I could still hear my brother crying in fear and sobbing for me to help him.

Running my hands through my knotted hair, I gripped my hair as I saw images of my dream flash behind my eyes. The sudden pull of the sheet made me jump but I was just Daryl. I took a breath before looking down to my bed once again. For a while he didn't say anything, he just stood there.

After a few minutes I took a breath and stood up. Crossing my arms over my chest, my gaze fell on his dirty clothes. "Do you need something?" I asked him, after a moment of silence Daryl replied. "Get dressed. We're doing the sweep soon." I felt his eyes trail down my bare legs before he turned and walked away. I sighed.

Slowly I changed info the clothes that I had worn yesterday before trying to clean the cell as best as I could. I tied as much of my hair before walking out of my cell and downstairs. Apparently, it wasn't as dark as I thought it was. Everyone was awake and moving.

I first greeted Carl before leaving the cell block and going to the area with the watchmen's tower. Rick, Hershel, T-Dog, and Daryl were standing around a table with a bunch of weapons that laid on top of it. I assumed that it was everything they could find on the guards. "Not bad." I said as I picked up a capsule that almost looked like a grenade. Rick explained what all of these were, and how to used them.

Daryl picked up a helmet that the armored walkers were wearing, but at he did so, wads of slime and moist skin stretched and fell out of the helmet. "I ain't wearing this shit." he said as he put the helmet down and wiped his hand on his shirt. Just then T-Dog raised a glove and more gunk and whatever the slimy stuff was fell out. "Gross." I muttered as my face pulled in disgust.

"We could boil 'em?" T-Dog suggested but Daryl cut that idea off as soon as he heard it. "There ain't enough firewood in the forest. No. Besides we got this far without 'em, right?" Daryl grabbed one of the bat's and gave it a swing, testing its weight. Just as I picked up a flashlight Carol walked into the area and called for Hershel. Rick asked if everything was fine, but Carol's answer seemed short.

I continued surveying all the equipment on the table and grabbed all the things that I thought would be useful. Daryl left and came back with chest armor from the walkers, they were the only armor that wasn't covered in gunk. He handed Rick and T-Dog the two, before placing the other two on the table. He grabbed on of them and walked towards me. "Lift your arms." he told me, and without thinking I did so.

Daryl slid the armor over my arms and head before helping me tighten the straps. Every time his hands brushed my sides, I forze and had to shake off the feeling in my stomach. When he was done, he walked off and put the other armor on Hershel. Taking a deep breath I walked over to him, and helped him gather his thing. His eyes never left me as I moved to ensure I had everything.

Rick made Carl stay behind to watch over the cell block, which he wasn't happy about.but he still listened to his father. When we were all ready we left the security of cell block C and descended into the dark corridors on the prison. Daryl was at the back, and Rick was leading. I stood behind Rick with Hershel to my side. We were quiet as we moved, careful to not attract any attention.

All of our lights were able to light up the tunnels, making it easier to see, but all we saw were bodies on the ground. I jumped at the sound of Glenn spraying paint on the wall, an arrow for direction. I shook it off before checking the cell blocks opposite to Rick, we both stood up front. My knife raised and ready.

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