Chapter 16

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Glenn was the worst roommate; he would snore louder with each breathe but he was the only one who offered. As I woke up to an empty tent, I allowed last nights information to sink in as I laid in my sleeping bag. He confessed that Maggie and he did the deed in the pharmacy which was the reason he had the biggest smile on his face I've ever seen. He also swore me to secrecy when he told me that he thinks Lori is pregnant. That piece of information almost made me choke on my own spit, if Lori was pregnant, there was no way it wasn't Ricks.

Before leaving the tent, I made myself decent. I proceeded to do a bunch of morning chores as everyone else started to wake up. Andrea and I spoke about what we missed, mostly revolved around hair products and electronics, as we gathered fabric and nails. "Morning, guys. Let's get going. We've got a lot of ground to cover." Rick said as he walked up to the truck, all of us, who were done with the chores, gathered and looked down at the map that was held down by rocks.

"All right, everyone is getting new search grids today. If se made it as far as the farmhouse Daryl found, she might have gone further east than we've thought." Rick pointed to the map as he explained. "Nothing about what Daryl found screams Sophia to me. Anyone could have been holed up in that farmhouse." Shane said as he sat inside the truck and looked at all of us. "Anybody includes her." I pointed out.

"Whoever slept in that cupboard was no bigger than yay-high." Daryl explained holding out his hand showing us how small it was. I watched him us he buttoned up his long sleeve shirt, which was hard to believe he was even wearing. We still hadn't spoken since he left yesterday, he looked up and caught my eye. "Maybe we'll pick up her trail again." Rick said with hope as Dale came towards us with the gun bag, but he didn't say a word. "No maybe about it. I'm gonna borrow a horse, head up to this ridge right here, get a bird's-eye view of the whole grid. If she's us there I'll spot her." Daryl gestured to the map, it looked like the hope was contagious.

"Good idea. Maybe you'll see your Chupacabra up there too." I joked causing a light chuckle to float around us, Rick was the only one who looked surprised. "Chupacabra?" he asked looking at me. "You never heard this?" Dale asked before looking at me. "The first night in camp, Daryl tells us that the whole thing reminds him, of a time he went squirrel hunting and he saw a Chupacabra." I explained as Daryl looked at me, I couldn't tell if we were mad or amused.

"So, you believe in a blood-sucking dog?" Rick asked as he is tilting his head with curiosity, Daryl nervously scratched the side of his nose before firing back a reply. "Do you believe dead people walking around?" For a while everyone was looking at the map talking about possibilities before Shane told everyone about the gun training that was happening tomorrow. "Aideen." Daryl called my name before gesturing his head to the side, that was Daryl speak for let's talk.

"What do you want?" I asked folding my arm, I was pissed off at the way he spoke to me yesterday, as if he was speaking to a child. "Didn't your parents teach you what manners are?" he asked as he shouldered his crossbow, and for a second, I'm taken back. "Excuse me?" I said, and not because I didn't hear him. "You were eavesdropping when I was talking to Carol yesterday, that was private." He practically growled as he stepped closer, his towered over me but I was not afraid. I was pissed.

"Are you seriously that protective of your pride? Yes, I eavesdropped, I admit that I'm in the wrong but so should you." I threw back as I clenched my fist, I could feel my blood boiling once again. "Admit to what?" Daryl asked looking genuinely confuse, his hair moved as a light breeze brushed over us. "You treated me like a child, you spoke to me like I didn't care about Sophia just because you were scared." I seethed, taking a step back with every step he took forward. We shared breaths as he continued to back me into a corner. "Scared of what? A spoiled prissy bitch?"

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