Chapter 27

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Everyone separated getting ready to fight, I chose to stay with Hershel. Daryl was on his motorcycle. Maggie and Glenn had taken Shane's car, not that he would be using it right now. T-Dog and Andrea were in the pickup truck. And Jimmy was in the RV. Lori, Carol, Patricia and Beth stayed at the house that Hershel and I were defending.

I stuffed my pockets to the brim with bullets as I watched the barn begin to burn, Hershel and I looked at one another as we cocked put shotgun's and got read to fight. The walkers were covering the entire land that was the Greene's family farm. Many had slipped through the fences and the other's cars as the dead marched towards the house. Hershel and I stood together shooting one by one.

The only thing that could be heard was the gunfire and the growling walkers, there were to many to count, and it was clear that the farm was beginning to fall. But Hershel kept firing and so did I. "Hershel! Aideen!" Lori called to us, I turned around and told them to go. I would either have to drag him off this farm myself but I needed a gap in the walkers, until then I would make sure Hershel stayed alive.

Shot but shot, walkers fell but we didn't have enough bullets. "Hershel! It's lost! We need to go!" I screamed and suddenly I heard a gunshot and felt something wet on my neck. When I turned around I saw Rick and Carl with a walker on the floor. "Where's Lori?" Rick asked and I told him they got away even though I wasn't sure that they did. "We have to go!" I yelled as I ran next to Carl shooting at walkers.

"It's my farm!"

"Not anymore!"

The four of us got into a red car before Rick drove off, I made sure Carl was okay and he nodded. Hershel wouldn't look away from the window, with clear despair on his face we could only hope that everyone made it off the farm. Even if it felt like we were the only ones who were left. Carl and I watched from the back window as we watched the dead overrun the farm, and my heart slightly broke. 

"Please be okay." I thought of Daryl whispered to myself, under my breath as Rick drove to the road and started driving back to the highway were we lost Sophia.


By the time we got to the familiar yellow mustang, the sun had risen and the car's were just as packed together as I remembered. But sadly, no one else was here. We got out of the car and looked around, I stayed near Carl even though he had his own gun now. "Where's my mom? You said she'd be here." Carl said looking at me, and Rick sighed as he looked around the other cars, looking for any sign of anyone from our group.

Carl started fighting with his dad, he wanted to go back and look for his mom but there was the chance she could be dead. So, Rick crouched down to talk to his son but Carl walked off and got into the car, clearly angry. Rick sighed before standing up. "Rick, you've got to get your boy to safety." Hershel told him, I wanted to find the rest more than anyone but the old mad had a point.

"We can wait here for the others. I know of a few places. We'll meet up at one of them later." Hershel explained looking at me, and I nodded in agreement. "Where? Where is safe?" Rick asked looking at us, gun in hand. All of us were covered in walker blood but we didn't care, at least we were alive right now.

"We're not splitting up."

"Please, keep your boy safe. Aideen and I can hide in one of the car's, we will watch each other's backs if we see any walkers."

"They'll be here." 

"And you don't know that."

"You're a man of God. Have some faith."

I walked away as Rick and Hershel argued and got into the car and sat next to Carl. He had his head down, and he was looking at the gun in his hands. I didn't say anything at first until I turned to look at him. "Carl. Look at me." I told him, and the kid slowly started lifting his head to look up at me.

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