Chapter 33

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We got to Woodbury as the sun sank below the horizon. Michonne had led us through the outskirts of a town. We kept crouched down as we ran, before we were outside of a tall wall made from scraps. Daryl was crouched beside me as we spoke in hushed voices. They had armed guards on the main wall, and I won't lie, some part of me was very impressed with what the governor has done.

Michonne lead us through a crack in the fence, and we sneaked through the streets of Woodbury. We entered on of the building, I could feel Daryl's hand on my lower back as we checked through the building. "If this goes south, we're cutting her loose." Rick told us in a whisper when Michonne was no where near us.

"Do you think she's leading us into a trap?" Oscar asked but i shook my head, it felt like we were just as lost as we were. "Right now, it's the blind leading the blind. Let's split up." Daryl whispered and almost on instinct I moved closer to him. We heard a knocking at the door as someone knew we were in here. We all scattered to hid. Daryl had grabbed my hand and ran with me to hide behind a corner. He held me close to his chest as he peaked around the wall. I was suddenly aware of how his arms were wrapped around my chest, I chook my head trying to remain focused.

The mad approached further before calling out to us, he was soon stopped by Rick who had him at gunpoint. Daryl and I came out of the shadows. The man was on his knees as he questioned the man about Maggie and Glenn. When Rick didn't receive an answer, he knocked him out. I helped Rick tie him up and stuff a cloth in his mouth before dragging him to the back of the building.

We heard gun fire just as we were about to exit the building, we all looked at one another. If we follow the noise. We will find Glenn and Maggie. Slowly we opened the door and saw everyone running around panicked, it took us a few moments before we realized that they didn't even care about us. We made our way deeper into Woodbury.

Entering the building that the noise came from, we took formation. Rick was in front, followed by Daryl, then me, and then Oscar. Michonne was nowhere to be seen, she had left us before we even could speak about it. We entered a long hallway and did out best to move fast. I had my gun pointed at the ground as my eyes scanned over Daryl's shoulder for any indication of danger.

Every time we saw someone, we would all lean against a wall to remain hidden. We heard a voice speaking and somehow, I knew who it was, I looked over at Daryl who didn't see any different. Like he didn't notice the voice. It was Merle. I choose to keep this to myself. We suddenly heard them moving and we rummaged through the bags desperate to get the tear gas and flash bangs.

We pulled the pins and threw them away from us before taking cover. When the room filled up with smoke, we made our way in. Shooting at anything that had a gun. I remember seeing the vague outline of Merle and I shot at him. And somehow, I knew that he knew it was me. But I missed, and we grabbed Glenn and Maggie before making our escape. As we ran, I pulled off sacks that they had over their heads.

I helped Rick carry Glenn; he looked badly beaten up. Maggie stayed close to him, like she was scared that something bad would happen to him. We entered another building where we could hide. When everyone was safely inside Glenn collapsed to the floor. "Aideen, your alive?" I heard Glenn croak out. I crouched by him and nodded; he hugged me tightly. "I'm gone for two days, and everything goes to shit." I joke, he laughs but winces.

"Daryl, it was Merle. It was. He did this. He threw a walker at me. He was going to execute us." Glenn suddenly said and I wanted to smack the shit out of him. Daryl froze and looked at Glenn with disbelief written on his face. "So, my brother's this Governor?" he asked them, but they shook their heads. "No, his like the Governor's general."

"Does he know I'm still with you?"

"He does now. Rick I'm sorry. We told him where the prison was. We couldn't hold out."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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