Scenario: You're sick

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-Boruto was still a little sick, but you were worse. He laid you on the bed, covering with a blanket.
-He didn't know what to do so you just told him to bring a specific pill and a glass of water.
-After you took the pill Bortuo stayed by you, hugging and playing with your hair, trying not to kiss you.
-When you were hungry he feed you and then cuddled you all day. You are quite sleepy when you are sick, so you slept a few hours and him too.
-"Do you feel good now?"
-"Yes...thank you Boruto..."
-He smile and kissed your forehead.


-Knowing nothing about how to take care of you, he tried his best because he loves you and he cares about you.
He tried to make food for you when you ate the food was quite good.
-He gave you some vitamins because you were not so sick.
-On that day, your period came, and he rubbed your tummy to make you feel better and knowing what to ease your pain, he brought you chocolate and he stayed with his hand on your tummy so he could keep you warm there.
-"Did I take good care of you?"
-"Yeah...very good."
-You smiled and kissed his cheek.


-You were up first, Shikadai still sleeping. Then you coughed and he woke up and looked at you.
-"I think...I cathed a cold from you. I feel my throat sore and my head hurts."
-Shikadai felt bad so he made food for you and feed you.  He watched movies with you and did everything you liked.
-He cuddled you and when you felt worse, he whispered sweet things in your ear even if It's not the type to do this, he wanted to make you feel better, at the night you had a fever so he stayed a little bit late to make sure you're fine, then he slept hugging you.


-After waking up, he looked at you, he felt you quite hot, then he sees sweat on your forehead. You had a fever in the morning. You were still sleeping, so he put a cold cloth on your forehead.
-When you woke up Inojin was beside you, after staying up like this, he slowly stand you up, and fed you because you didn't eat anything.
-After eating, he stayed with you in bed, playing with your hair and smiling.
-"Do you feel better now?"
-"Yes, thank you."
-"No need. I was the one who made you sick, sorry."
-The girl just smiled and looked at him, and he kisses her forehead lovingly.


-Feeling guilt, because he made you sick, he took care of you.
-He cleaned the house because you stayed with him yesterday and didn't have time to do that.
-He fed you, he cuddled you from time to time to make you feel better.
-You needed to do a mission today so he do that for you so that you could rest in bed.
-When he came at the night, you were asleep, so he just took a shower then he went into the bedroom, hugging you from behind and falling quickly asleep.


-When he found out you're sick, he bought some medicines and groceries to make you some food.
-When he came home,.he made your food, fed you then he made you take the pills.
-He was relieved that you didn't have a fever, he worries fast when something happens to you.
-He watched a movie with you, he played with your hair when you felt a little better you two stayed on the balcony for fresh air, Kagura put his hoody on you. because he didn't want to make you sick more.
-At the night, you were cold and he hugged you, putting you on his chest with his hands around your waist.

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