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How did you meet

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How did you meet

You met him when he was stealing something from your house.
Your parents were rich, so your house was a perfect place for thieves, when you caught him stealing you panicked, but once he saw you, with your back glued on the wall and a scared expression on your face, he took off his mask and helped you calm down.
After you heard his story, you've helped him with a few things for the poor hidden village.

You meet again but...

After that meeting of yours, when he was robbing your house, you didn't see him for a few days from now. You were quite sad...he was sweet there, he helped you calm down even if he was the one who robbed your house.
Now, you were in your room, glancing at the ceiling thinking about him. You closed your eyes with the pillow in your arms, hugging it.
When you nearly fall asleep, you hear the window open then closing it again.
You got up quickly and see a rose on your nightstand with a note besides. You take the note and start reading it.
"Sorry for not seeing you after that little accident. Thank you for helping me. I promise to see you again. Accept this little gift from me, it doesn't worth what you gave me, but I hope you like it.-Ryogi"
I smile looking at the rose, of course, I like the rose.

When you realize that you love him

After he gave you that rose you were thinking about him every day, every day he walks you home from school to keep you safe, sometimes he still gives you roses and steals a little kiss on your cheek or forehead.
He's so sweet that he made you fall in love with him. Never a boy could make you feel like this, just Ryogi.

When he realizes that he loves you

Every time I kiss Y/n on the cheek or the head I feel butterflies in my stomach, every time I see her smile It makes me smile too, her scent, smile, fade, mesmerizing.
I wish I could be by her side every time, in the morning when I wake up and at night when I fall asleep.
She makes me feel things whenever I am with her, like being happy, nostalgic when I'm away from her...and love.
I'm feeling loved by her when she hugs me, when she pecks me on the cheek and when she blushes.
Oh, Y/n...I fall for you more and more.

He's asking you out

I make my way towards Y/n's school to pick her up. I wait in front of the school, casually looking for her.
I want to ask her out today, I want to. Still, in my thoughts, I feel two arms around my waist and I gasp and I hear her chuckle.
"Don't surprise me like that anymore, Y/n."
"Sorry, Ryogi, but you were so cute while spacing out, What were you thinking?"
"Umm...well...let's talk while we are walking to your home."
"Oh, okay."
You two started walking towards your home and you look at him.
"So...? Say it."
"Well...Y/ you want to go out with me?"
"Like a date?"
"Yeah...something like that..."
I smile and look at her, she was blushing.
" about tonight?"
"I know that your parents probably won't let you go outside at night. I will come to your window and stay in your room, what do you say?"
"Alright...I don't mind."
I smile and kiss her head.

How the date went? & First Kiss

-The date was awkward at first but then you two started to know more by talking.
-After getting more comfortable with him you started cuddling together. You were playing with his hand, sometimes he whispered sweet things to you, and you just giggle, you never saw him like that. You felt truly loved now.
-Then you two fell asleep in your bed, hugging each other, luckily that your mother wasn't home.


You were in your bed, waiting for your beloved boyfriend, Ryogi. After some time you hear the window open and a Ryogi walking into the room.
He faces you with a pout and a frowning face.
You chuckle and sat up from the bed.
"What's wrong Ryogi?"
'You tell me."
"I don't know. What did I do to make my Ryogi so sad?"
"What were you doing with that boy today?"
"What boy?"
"You know who."
You were thinking what did you do after you remembered you chuckle.
"Oh, Inojin? He helped me draw'
He blushes and looks the other way.
"I'm still mad because you hugged him. Don't do that to boys never, only me."
I smile and I kiss him.
"One more."
I chuckle.
"You're greedy."

Mornings with him

Last night, Ryogi hasn't arrived so I sleep without him, I missed him when he wasn't home. Now he wasn't stealing like he did when he was young, he become a shinobi.
I was happy for him but I don't like that he's coming late at night.
I slowly wake up and I see Ryogi in front of me, already awake.
"Good morning, my love."
I smile and I put my hands around his neck.
I kiss him long with a smile.
He chuckles and tightens his arms around my waist.
"Missed me?"

Valentine's Day

-On Valentine's Day you two eat dinner at home, and he gave you flowers and some sweets.
-You two had a walk in the night, casually Ryogi kissed you everywhere on your face making you smile and giggle.
-After the walk, you two returned home finally resting and cuddling on the bed.


You were in the bathroom doing your skincare, then you feel two arms around your waist, looking behind you see a shirtless Ryogi and you smile.
"I couldn't sleep after you left the bed. It was cold. What are you doing?"
"Do that to me too."
"Alright, if you want to."
After you were done with your skincare you started to do his skincare too.
"Mhmm...It feels good..."
I chuckle and after a few times, you're done with him too.
"I like it when you do it, it feels good. You have angel hands."
You chuckle and kiss his cute.

He's sick

Ryogi was in bed, sick. Yesterday he stood in the rain waiting for you. You felt bad for him so you stayed with him in the bed.
Sometimes he kissed you even if you didn't let him because you can get sick too.
You cooked him soup so he could get warm, you cuddled with him all day in the bed.
You needed to kiss him so that he can take his pills because he didn't want to take them, yeah he's a lovely boyfriend.

You're sick

In the morning you were the one who got sick because of him, so he babied you all day, he was afraid a little bit even if it was a little cold but he knew that was because of him.
He cuddled you, he helped you eat, every time you felt hot he changed the towel from your forehead with a cold one.
On the right, you felt a little bit good and thanked him for everything.

You fell asleep in his lap

After a tiring day, you went straight up to your boyfriend in your shared bedroom and stayed in his lap.
You were tired and sleepy, his hands were around your waist slowly patting your back and torso.
It felt too good so you fell asleep after he look at you and see you asleep he smiles and kisses your nose, whispering an I love you to your ear.
Then he covered you both with a blanket.

(sorry for the long wait, I'm back.)

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