One-shot: Kawaki x nb!reader

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Request by: obito_is_daddy

DreamerPov Y/n I went to Boruto's house because sometimes we play video games together, we started this with fun, he wanted to teach me how to play but now I love to play games with him

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Pov Y/n

 I went to Boruto's house because sometimes we play video games together, we started this with fun, he wanted to teach me how to play but now I love to play games with him.
 As I reach his door, I knock a few times and waited, the door opened revealing Kawaki, and I was frowning at him, much I hated this guy...he's always angry and a jerk to me.

Pov Kawaki

 I hear some knocks on the door and I get up from the couch, when I open the door I see Y/n...

"What are you frowning for? You hate me?"

"Basically yes, you're a jerk."

"And why you are such a bit-..."


Himawari was running down the stairs and past me to hug Y/n.

Pov Y/n
 I smirk at Kawaki then I look at Hima smiling, hugging her back.

"Hi, Hima! How are you?"

"I was expecting you to come."

"Well, I'm here now. Aren't I?"

I smile at how delighted she was to see me.

Pov Kawaki

 I look at them, fuck, what's wrong with me? I felt my insides burn and the blood raised to my cheeks, how can a person be this beautiful when smiling? I can't move, I was just staring at them.
"Kawaki, you should tell them that I was upstairs."

 I hear Boruto say.

"W-Well now you are here."

I leave.

Pov Y/n

 I went with Hina and Boruto upstairs and started playing games until night, Hina had fell asleep on Boruto's bed, she just wanted to watch us play.

"I should get going, Boruto, It's already night and Hima fell asleep too, we can play tomorrow or another time."

"Alright, let me take you to the door."

"Ok ok."

We go downstairs just to meet Boruto's mom.

"Oh, good evening Hinata-san."

"Oh, Hi Y/n! Would you like to stay for dinner?"

I paused a moment and look at Boruto, he started smiling wide.

"They are staying, mom."

I hear Boruto say and I chuckle.

"Alright then. Go to the table."

"You should wake Hima."

 I whisper to Boruto, and he goes upstairs to his room. After we thank for the food and eat, I left Boruto's house, as I was walking I see a silhouette, and when I get closer I see Kawaki, so that's why he wasn't at the dinner.

"Hi, Y/n."

"Now you're nice to me?"

"I can be nice too, you know?"

"But surely not with me."

"If you are cocky, yes."

"Oh, let's not talk about how you were staring at me today with a very red face, you looked like you were dreaming...dreamer"

He widened his eyes and pinned me to the fence.

"How did you see it?"

"I have a very sharp eye, I guess?"

I smirk and look at him, and again his face was red.

"Do you like me, Kawaki?"

 He only looked at me and started approaching me, we only had one inch between our faces, and when I thought he was gonna kissed me, I shut my eyes and waited for that to happen.
 I feel his hot breathing on my neck and ear, and he chuckles.

"Well, why don't you find out yourself?" 

 I look at him, and he looks at me smirking, he approached me fast, kissing me when our faces meet, I put my hands on his cheeks and kiss him too. We were kissing like there was no tomorrow and he break the kiss, only a string of saliva connecting our lips, I was blushing like hell.

"Let's meet tomorrow again, at you. But at night, cuz I know your parents aren't home."

He smirks and left, he fucking left like the hungry kiss hasn't happened just a moment ago.

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