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Suggested transTommy oneshot

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Suggested transTommy oneshot.
Thank you for the idea :))

-that time of the month :((

3rd person pov:
The car jolted to a halt and a very chipper looking boy hopped out the car, the curly blonde thanked the driver and headed in the direction of the next chapter of his day.
Walking down the streets, he kept his eyes peeled for the familiar faces of his friends, occasionally stopping at the request of a photo from his fans.

"Tommy!" A voice called, said boy looked around gleaming, the sound of the familiar persons voice had already made him super exited and a whole lot less anxious.
"Over here!" The familiar voice vaguely directed.

Tommy's head shot back and forth in the crowd of the busy street, till finally he saw it.
The voice he had heard was Tubbos, his best friend, yet the thing that caught his eye was his unusually tall companion, Ranboo.
His facemask and glasses being his number one give away.
The taller gave a friendly wave at the realisation that Tommy had spotted them.

The blonde politely pushed through the crowd, constantly repeating 'sorry's and 'excuse me's until he made it to his friends.
"Come on let's get away from the crowd, you seen Will or the others yet?" Tommy questioned.
"Okay," they began to walk to a green area of land where there was much less people, "oh, no we haven't seen Will yet BUT we saw someone wearing Ranboo merch! They looked so poggers." Tubbo recapped, his eyes shon as he remembered the fan.
"That's so cool, big man." Tommy replied.

They sat on a bench (bench trio mwahahaha) and messaged the others until they finally managed to arrive and find them.
The group now consisted of:
Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Wilbur, Phil and George.

The group had loads of fun just chatting with eachother about anything and everything, occasionally they would split up into separate groups and go into separate shops, but always met up again after only having more things to discuss.
Eventually, Wilbur pointed out that there was a costa near by and they all decided to grab something to drink, except for Tommy.
Tommy was experiencing aching pains in his lower stomach.

"Are you sure you don't want anything, Tommy?" Phil asked, Tommy nodded trying to pog through the pain.

The group sat at a table in the cafe, all of them in total possessing a small variety of hot beverages. (My dumbass writting this at 5am craves caffeine)

Tommy's pov:
'This is bullshit' I cussed, 'why does my stomach hurt so much?! This is so annoying!' I thought to myself.
A sudden surge of pain hit me and I effortlessly slammed my head on the wooden table and let out a whine like groan. I felt most people's gazes turn to me.

"You alright, Tommy?" Phil asked, genuinely concerned.
I nodded, my forehead brushing against the table, "yeah, my stomachs just a bit off." I explained, the father-figure hummed in understanding.
"Haha are you on your man period, Tommy?" Wilbur joked, completely oblivious to one important factor.
I'm trans.

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