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They were at it again, Luke and Michael always seemed to fight over the pettiest things such as this fight. Michael grabbed the last slice of pizza and Luke was having a come apart over it.

"C'mon fatass pass it over." Luke begged from one side of the table, on the other side Michael stood holding the pizza closely to his chest.

"No way asshole."

"You wanna bet?" Luke shrieked lunging across the table so he landed on top of Michael who was on the ground as he had the wind knocked out of him. "Now give it."

"No." Michael retorted taking the slice and licking it so it would have his "germs," knowing there was no way Luke would take it now.

"You fucking faggot, I don't want your herpes." Luke spat grabbing Michael's shoulders roughly before lifting his upper half only to slam him back down on the group painfully.

Michael held back any change of a sob as he lifted the piece of pizza and slapped it across Luke's cheek leaving a greasy trail across his face.

"Oops?" Michael giggled as Luke gaped at him.

"You did not just do that." Luke murmured lifting a hand to his cheek with a face of disgust as Michael smirked.

"Oh but I did." Michael whispered before thrusting his hips upward making Luke jump at the contact, Michael using it to his advantage as he flipped their position so like was underneath him.

"Ew don't spread your gayness." Luke groaned covering his face making Michael groan as he bounced down on Luke, probably not his best idea as he realized what Luke's problem was.

"Oh is little Lukey coming to play?" He sang as he switched his childish bouncing to sexual grinding making Luke bite his lip and shake his head.

"Get the fuck off me."

"Nah I'm comfortable."

"Get. Off."

"Yeah that's what you'd like to do." Michael smirked.

"Fucking bastard," Luke growled raising his fist and allowing it to collide with Michael's nose.

Calum and Ashton watched from the other room with their jaws slacked, you see Luke didn't know much about Michael seeing as he always had a severe hatred for the color haired lad. What he didn't know is, Michael's father died in his arms. Yes, he held his father as he took his last breath.

And they weren't going to take it anymore, because they could see the pain in Michael's eyes -- and it wasn't from Luke's noodle punch.

So they took matters into their own hands, and pulled a small trick they thought would work well as they dialed the number they'd seen at the carnival earlier during the day.

"Hello this is Madam Melanie at your service, what would you like Calum?" A silky voice spoke on the other end of the line.

"I-uh woah you know my name?" Calum's eyes widened as Ashton giggled earning him a playful punch to the shoulder

"I am a psychic and I do have my abilities dear, no would you explain my task please?" She replied smoothly as if it were a daily conversation.

"Well you see my friends fight often--"

"Luke and Michael?"

"Yeah, anyway we wanted to show them what it feels like to be in one another's shoes. You know like how it feels to be treated the way they are, how their family acts, something like that?" Calum explained chewing his lip harshly, he was never good at explaining things especially over the phone.

"Ah yes, I have the perfect solution."

"Really what is it?" Calum squealed curving his feet so he was standing on the sides -- a nervous habit be often deals with.

"You'll see tomorrow morning," and with that the lady hung up leaving the boys slightly confused and majorly excited but also in dire need to pull Michael off Luke so they could see what was going to happen tomorrow.

Swapped ☹ MukeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora