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:: Michael ::

I basically just kissed myself, and wow was that amazing -- not to sound conceited but hey, it was trippy and awkward though it was still cool. See how many opportunities do you have to say you kissed yourself on the mouth without the help of a mirror? Exactly.

I kept reminding myself that I only enjoyed the kiss because I was kissing myself, there was no feelings towards Luke, nothing, even if there were why would I admit it to myself.

Like honestly once I get back into my own body everything will be back to normal, and I'll get back into routine of ignoring and being ignored -- well I'm still like that but I can't be as reclusive in Luke's body because people would notice.

During the interview I felt that it was only right to play with Luke, not sexually -- yet.

I wasn't going to do anything with his body became there was no way I would do those types of things with myself, that's just weird and very disturbing -- sure kissing is fine by me, but um otherwise sounds very, very awkward.

Though I did add in a few quips about how cute certain boys were and often spaced off thinking of what would happen after the interview. I didn't care how he would react then because we were in public, lots of people would see it. But things weren't like that behind closed doors.

He often would attack me, and Calum and Ashton didn't do shit about it -- except get us into this big mess of secrets.

I didn't exactly need to know about Luke's mom basically being a hyperactive teenager or Luke's sexuality, and he didn't need to know about Gordon or my eating habits. It wasn't something I thought was essential to ending our rivalry.

Sure it would give an insight of our impacts on one another, but that didn't mean things would change -- it could potentially make things worse. Not to mention that we were going on tour in two months and were still battling without progress.

Really though I just wanted to know why they thought this would help us, how is it going to help having him know I have a voice telling me petty shit about myself and often get hated on by everybody? Like whats that going to help him other than give him more rude things to point out about me.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the boys laughter and swayed my attention towards the interviewer.

"Who is your current celebrity crush?"

"Michael Clifford." I answered without a doubt.

Luke giggled and looked down, I guess he expected something like that eh?

But behind that I saw a glint in his eyes of something I didn't want to experience.

Because my normally vibrant green eyes were a stormy shade, that only happens when I'm plotting something bad -- it normally only happens with Gordon around.

He looked at me and mouthed, "you better run fast."

I wasn't scared though, well actually I was fucking terrified but I wouldn't show weakness towards him, even though I was scared what happened last time he threatened me? We ended up kissing, and now that he's even more pissed, I'm half expecting more.

I smirked and shook my head before mouthing back, "to get some lube and condoms?"

Wow that sucked and I'm vv sorry for it

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