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:: Michael ::

"Ashton you fucking prick!" I screamed folding my -- Luke's -- long legs under myself and pressed my face into my knees.

"I'm sorry Mikey."

"No you're not, or you wouldn't have started this."

"But Mikey it's for the best he'll finally understand you, and he'll be nicer." Ashton elaborated with a large smile, but I could see through -- straight to the guilt.

"Luke can't handle it though, you saw him at breakfast Ash."

"But you reacted like that when it begun."

"But Gordon was gentle on me at first, he's learned to be firm and it's hard for me to handle after three years. How is Luke going to manage?" I squeaked running my fingers messily through Luke's messy bed head, it was nothing like my hair and I hated it.

"Why do you care so much, doesn't he deserve to suffer I mean it's his fault you break down all the time, it's his fault you have an eating disorder, he was the fucking reason you used to self harm Michael." Ashton raised his voice making me shirk back into the couch cushions, "wouldn't you say he deserves it?"

Used to.

I used to self harm -- lie, I still do.

I used to blame Luke for my problems -- lie, it's all myself.

"He doesn't deserve it Ashton," I whispered as Ashton looked at me with wide eyes and opened his mouth to speak and hurried to cut him off, "he deserves to fucking listen to me so I can get control of Gordon again and we can return to our normal selves."

"Michael it's not normal for a six foot, nineteen year old boy, to weight a fucking hundred pounds." Ashton growled, "you lost normal when Luke started acting like an ass, and he deserves to live like you have for these past few years for fucks sake."

"Ashton shut up, I'm going to go find Luke." I sighed hopping to my feet and stretching before walking towards my room.

The door was shut but I heard panic at the disco playing and I instantly knew he was in there before taking a deep breath and knocking.

"Give me a minute." Came a muffled voice, obviously mine.

Do I really sound that gross.

Maybe I shouldn't talk anymore.

That has to wait, I'm Luke right now.

Gordon's going to love the idea.

"Hey, um Michael what do you want?" He said scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I think we need to have some ground rules while were in each their bodies." I said flashing him a very cheesy -- and very fake -- smile.

"I think that sounds great because I can barely hold up your fat body for a minute longer." He groaned waving a flabby arm in the air revealing my ugly, saggy arms, they're just gross.

I sighed looking down at my feet, see in Luke's body his stomach was flat meaning I could see his toes perfectly -- he had a thigh gap and his things weren't squished together and a thousand feet wide.

But for myself, I couldn't see my feet over my fat, it just blocked my view of everything. My legs were practically conjoined from the excess weight. I probably couldn't even fit both of my hands halfway around one thigh.

I'm disgusting and Luke's perfect, that's my problem with him -- but I still don't know his.

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