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:: third perspective ::

Michael shot up though was thrown back by the tubes connecting him to multiple machines. He looked around in confusion until he remembered what caused him to be there and pouted.

He was simply trying to make his boyfriend happy and couldn't even do that.

He wanted to cry because he failed Luke.

He failed everybody because his heart was still beating and his lungs were still working.

He was so angry at himself, he couldn't even kill himself without screwing up.

"Hello Michael." A nurse smiled softly at him as if she were oblivious to his frantic state. "I have a few questions for you before you're allowed to have visitors."

He gulped but nodded anyway.

"Now did you have any weird dreams while you were out?" She asked clicking her pen against a clipboard and looking at him expectantly.

"Y-yeah." He croaked and grimaced at his voice.

She grabbed a cup of water off the side table and passed it to him. He hurried to empty the cup and looked back at her. "Can you explain them?"

"Yeah, I felt like I was really there like everything that happened seemed so real and it was scary. Like it all started when my friends and me and my boyfriend swapped, except in the dream he wasn't my boyfriend. He was really mean and hated me but like they swapped us and I was in his body through the whole dream, until I woke up. And when I woke up there, I woke up here." He explained waiting for her to look at him like he was stupid.

She just nodded and wrote something on the paper on her clipboard. "Do you recall why you're here in the hospital?"

"Yeah." He whispered sheepishly, he was still embarrassed for not succeeding.

"Now do you recall any suicidal issues before?"

"My friend well I guess he's not my friend, Gordon tried to actually get me to kill myself before but only once, otherwise he helped me. And before Gordon it was daily."

"Could you explain Gordon to me?" She asked still looking down at the sheet of paper and writing at a speed that was likely unreadable.

"He's like a bad voice in my head, and what's scary is how much he sounds like my dad because my dad would never hurt me but that's all Gordon does."

"I'm sorry mister Clifford, that must be painful to endure daily. Now I have one last important question and you're basically free from me." She smiled. "So tell me, how much did you weigh last time you checked?"

"About two hundred?" He furrowed his brows together nit understanding how the question was important.

"Try a hundred lighter, you were in the lower numbers of a hundred Michael, and during the past two months you've been here we managed to get you to a healthier weight of about one hundred thirty-seven."

"That's a lot." He exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Actually that's still small for your frame but it's still considered healthy." She smiled brightly again and michael couldn't help thinking that she was really pretty, but sadly had a vagina which grossed him out.

"Now there's a few visitors in the waiting room but you're only allowed to have one at a time, so who would you like to come in here?" She asked.

"Anybody but Luke Hemmings please, he's the blonde one with blue eyes, just don't let him in here."

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