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:: Ashton ::

I giggled and pushed past Calum so I could reach the door first, "last one in likes vagina!" I screamed as I picked up my pace and slammed into the door.

He made a gigging noise and laughed before slamming into my back with a groan, but I was a little too awestruck by the sight in front of me.

Because a few feet in front of me lay two boys who've been known to hate each others guts, laying atop one another and wrapped in a fluffy blanket with the sound of some disney movie playing on the big screen. And let me tell you it was adorable as fuck, not to mention insane.

"Am I dreaming?" Calum asked as he pinched his arm a few times and looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Unless our fucking dreams are the same fucking thing no." I sassed slowly reaching into my back pocket to take a picture of them because it was truly cute and possibly a nice memory to think about if times get bad again.

I stepped closer and worked for a good angle and went to take a picture but of course with my luck the flash went off, resulting in me throwing my phone back at my face as I made a horrified expression with probably seven chins.


Calum was practically dying behind me as the boys stirred slightly and cuddled closer and I've honestly never had to try so hard to resist the urge to aww out loud in my life.

I clicked off my flash for sure and faced the camera towards them and snapped a picture and hurried to slip my phone back into my pocket. There was something I needed to do while they were weren't paying attention, so their little nap seemed like the perfect time to do what I needed.

"Hey Cal, I'll be right back." I murmured sidestepping him and wandering upstairs to Michael's room.

I needed to make sure he still had some bottles from his last prescription do I can order some more, whether he wanted me to or not he needed it. And I hated doing this to him but it was vital, because I've dreaded waking up without my best friend for years.

But he'd told me he was better for years, he seemed better at least but I guess I'm a bit oblivious for somebody who struggled with similar situations. Sure it was just growing up without a father, he watched his die in his arms. He was abused by somebody he once proclaimed as his best friend, I was occasionally pushed around by strangers. It's all different but similar, his just happened to be more heartbreaking as it was so much more personal.

His room was practically screaming, "clean me," dear god he really does need to clean this mess. There's clothes everywhere and the occasionally water bottle, sometimes I wonder how old he really is because he has the personality of a twelve year old often.

I held a hand to my face and shook my head because for the life of me I had absolutely no clue where to look first. But knowing him it would be somewhere painfully obvious and I just happen to look there last most times.

So I went with looking in obvious places, his bathroom cabinet for starters though was unlucky.

Then I moved on to his bedside drawer and groaned because I really, didn't, need, to, know, his, fucking, condom, size. Nor did I want to know what lube he preferred! Though luckily there wasn't many other things in the drawer so I thought why not move this to see whats underneath.

I shuffled the things to the side with the tip of my finger because I really, didn't want to touch that stuff. And let's just say it was rather surprising to find handcuffs and feminine underwear in his drawer of all people. Even though I happened to be rather impressed by some things in the drawer I wouldn't admit it as I slammed the door shut with my nose scrunched up, "dear goodness I need to wash my eyes with holy water."

"Where the hell would Mikey keep fucking bright orange pill bottles?" I asked myself with a groan because this really shouldn't be so hard.

I sighed looking around the room for any more hiding places and locked eyes with the dresser, like literally the boy had googly eyes on the handles of it.

I smirked and walked up to it, "so you thought you could hide them from me you little loser. I'm talking to a dresser, what has gotten into me." I said as I opened the top drawer of boxers and socks.

Please no more kinky things in this drawer, I prayed as I moved the things to the side.

Underneath I saw a a shiny orange and smiled to myself as I threw things left and right. I grabbed the emp -- full bottle of pills. So he'd either been hoarding them or refilling his prescription, and I'm not feeling like it was the latter. I shook my head and noticed something out of the corner of my eye.

A clump of stuffing.

I furrowed my brows and moved the underwear atop of it.

And it may sound dramatic, because hello it's a stuffed animal.

But it's more than a stuffed animal to Michael.

And it's in front of me in shreds of it's once cute and fluffy exterior.


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