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:: Luke ::

I woke up feeling a massive pain in my lower back making me jump from the position I had previously laid in fear that I'd gotten drunk and did something gay, but realized I was laying in the middle of the hallway.

I had no recollection of what had happened although I knew my stomach felt like it was eating itself inside out and I just wanted to eat everything that occupied our kitchen. Sadly I knew what would result of that and I didn't want that to happen simply because I hated vomiting and it made me cry for some stupid reason.

"Guys?" I whispered pulling myself from the floor to my feet taking the moment to stretch my limbs making the uncomfortable knotting of joints pop in their proper position.


I recognized the voice as Ashton's and followed it to where he sat in the living room bundled in about fifteen blankets with a bucket of ice cream in front of him and some random reality show on the tv.

"Jeez man who broke up with you?" I laughed -- though sadly with Michael's voice it ended up as more of a giggle as I hurried to clamp a hand over my mouth.

"Nobody, I just feel like a teenage girl on her period." He whined scooping a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth and sobbing, "why won't Zac Efron love me? I love him so why the hell doesn't he fucking love me?" He screeched.

My eyes widened as he began to giggle.

Then his face morphed to one of pain, not like physically but as if he was thinking of something bad.

Then to a stone cold expression.

"Hey Luke?"

"Yeah Ash?"

"Have you had any serious encounters with Gordon?" He whispered as I shook my head. "Good."

"Ashton? Why does Michael have Gordon?"

He sighed and shook his head, "it's a long story."

"I have time."

"Okay well," he paused his tv show and turned to look at me directly in the eyes, "I guess it started when he was seven, his little sister had cancer and she was about four -- she was good until two years later when she passed away. Then his dad ended up in jail for trying to kill Michael's grandad. Then when he was thirteen his older brother died in a car accident, so he'd lost basically all his family expect his mum."

"That's kinda when Gordon was created, because Gordon was his way to escape reality. But then came the way he judged himself, he saw himself as ugly, fat, every bad name in the book he would call himself it. And I guess Gordon promised to fix it, and that's all I know. All I know is since he started dealing with Gordon he got really skinny, and it scares me that one day he's gonna break and self harm or try to kill himself." Ashton whispered as his voice broke.

All I wanted to do was comfort the poor boy.

But my ears were ringing, with the sound of Gordon's hysterical laughter.

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