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:: Luke ::

I stretched out my limbs allowing a kitten-like squeak to pass my lips before sitting up on the edge of my bed before ruffling my hair.

Woah it's soft today.

I wanted to sit in bed and my hair for an eternity but I knew I couldn't do that and realized just how bad my mouth tasted deciding to go brush my teeth instead. Walking across the hall I reached for the bathroom doorknob and began to push, but it was only a blank wall.

Furrowing my eyebrows I realized I must have slept in one of the other boys rooms and began to pad down to the end of the hall so I could go to the actual bathroom. The second I walked in I picked up my toothbrush and ran it under the tab before I lathered it in the minty paste.

When I finished brushing my teeth I ran a hand down my face trying to rid the sleep from my eyes, and realization dawned on me that I didn't have my lip piercing in -- I swear I fell asleep with it in? I sighed picking up the black hoop and finally looking in the mirror and screamed.

From downstairs in the spare bathroom I heard a similar shrill shriek, but in my voice. Though I didn't pay mind to it because I was staring at Michael in the mirror, not myself, and it was terrifying.

"Shit, hi Luke." Ashton beamed even through his obvious nerves.

"What in the hell is going on?"

"C'mon we need to explain."

"You don't say? I'm in that faggots body!" I shrieked grabbing Ashton's arm and pulling him downstairs alongside me.

"Calum what the fuck is this!" I heard Michael yell -- well if were being specific, I heard myself yell.

"Um Michael, we uh--" Calum tried to explain though couldn't stumble upon his words correctly.

"Okay guys sit," Ashton ordered as we followed sitting down on the couch.

It felt weird having Michael's legs, they didn't stretch out the way mine did, not to mention the fact that my stomach felt like it was eating itself alive, or maybe the fact that my leg was itching like crazy but when I scratched it there was a burning sensation.

"So we may or may not have had a lady switch your bodies until you understand what each other lives by." Ashton said calmly.

"You mean I'm being this fatass for however fucking long that takes?" I yelled feeling an odd lurch within my stomach as I placed a hand over my mouth. I realized that was bile burning it's way up my -- Michael's -- throat at high speed. It tasted horrific, because it didn't even taste like broken down food, just acid. "Great I have to brush my teeth again."

"You already did it once, why would you need to do it again?" Calum asked with his eyebrows raised as if it weren't obvious.

"This fucker just vomited in his mouth, I mean it'd be better if it came out -- maybe he'd lose some weight then."

I saw myself cringe as Michael couldn't seem to handle the truth.

"So basically we have to learn how the other person lives, as in what standards?" Michael -- my voice -- asked, it was odd hearing my voice not coming from my thoughts.

"Like take how you hate each other so you don't know each other, right," we nodded, "you'll basically be learning about one another, like family, fans, thoughts, anything that makes them different. For example the things you hate each other for, Luke you hate Michael for being gay -- fun fact, he's not -- but you'll learn how that affects him. And like once you make up you go back to normal."

"But I can't handle liking dick for however long this takes, guys take it back." I whined.

"Luke shut the hell up, Michael doesn't like dick and if you get to know him he's not all that bad." Ashton grumbled looking at me -- Michael -- who looked like he was about to cry, it was weird seeing myself like that.

With eyes rimed with tears and messy bedhead, it was all so weird to comprehend.

"Do you have anything you need to advise one another?" Calum asked looking at the two of us, Michael raised his hand and I groaned.

"C-could you um not be in quiet for long, like listen to music at all times and uh, try not to vomit?" He whispered, not looking into my eyes as I laughed.

Wow I never though I'd hear Michael's laugh from my own lips.

"That's stupid."

"N-no it's not." He murmured.

"Yeah it is, like I was expecting you to tell me to only jack off to Zac Efron, not something so idiotic, like honestly vomit Michael? How hard is it to not vomit, like why even that like I never throw up, unless I'm really sick and you're making it sound daily." I chuckled.

Oh doll you've got a lot to learn.

"What the fuck?"

Bet you didn't expect me huh?

"Who the hell are you?"

Michael's best friend obviously.

"Michael your best friend is imaginary," I laughed throwing my head back and laughing harder, "that's petty."

You'll learn to love me like he does, trust me I do him wonders.

"Um L-Luke, you're supposed t-to ignore it." Michael whimpered as the boys looked at him with concern probably about his mentality.

Trust me Lucas, you're in for a hell of a ride.

"On some guys dick," I snorted, "yeah how about no."

Don't test me.

"Fuck off."

You're going to regret that when nobody's there, because when you're alone there's nobody to save you.

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