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:: Luke ::

Michael sent me a cheeky smile as we walked out making me shove him against the wall, he could be a cute little shit with some other guy because I didn't want anything to do with him -- I mean I did, but like I don't.

Like he's cute and funny and sometimes I want to fuck him senseless, sometimes I want to slit his throat.

Why does he happen to be so perfect, I'm supposed to hate the him but he just goes around smiling like the cute fucker he is -- and don't mean is in him in my body, but him genuinely.

See that's the thing about him, no matter how many times I may say I hate him that's twice as many "I love you's."

I just hate how he's playing me, now he knows about my feelings and is flaunting them in front of a large audience, using it to his advantage and I know he doesn't feel the same way.

He's just using my feelings because he knows I wouldn't want to bruise my own body, but this time I plan to do what it takes to make him stop.

And hopefully he'll he so bloody and bruised that he'll realize not to mess with me -- well I guess himself in a way, but I'm sure he's not scared of himself anyway because he's harmless.

That last line he said got me to an extent that I was tempted to break all his bracelets, reply to all the hate rudely, tear whats left of Daniel to sheds, hell maybe even bleach his hair so it all falls out. But I know I wouldn't do that to him because I care for him too much, I've already seen how helpless he looks without Daniel and it's breaking my heart.

Love just brings out the worst in me, I turn into a six year old with a silly crush -- "if he's mean to you, he likes you," yeah that's my problem. But I don't want to be that way, there's just something about him that irritates me and I don't know what it is.

"Hey Luke what did Michael say to you out there?" Calum asked with a wide grin, he knew he just wanted me to admit it.

"He asked if I wanted to go get, co-cookies and milk?" I murmured.

"How about some condoms, Lube -- I mean Luke."

"Fuck you."

"Wouldn't you rather fuck Michael."

I smirked at him and begun to unzip my pants, "hey lick my hand."



"You said fuck Michael, and right now I am Michael." I laughed.

"You know what nevermind." He said shooting me an uncomfortable glance before skipping towards Ashton.


"Hey Mikey?" I called as he rounded to corner shooting me an innocent glance.

How do people think I'm so innocent anyway, I'm literally either drunk or attacking Michael all the time. Wait that doesn't sound so good, um I'm always cuddling kittens -- yeah.


"Make me a sandwich, your fat rolls are begging me."

You little asshole.

"Ye -- no!" He exclaimed taking a step towards me.

"What did you just tell me?" I seethed taking another stride closer to him.

"I said no, Luke I'm not your damn bitch."

Ohh, slay me Mikey -- fucking slay this hoe.

"You will do as I say or I will fucking shatter you."

He whispered something that sounded like "as if you haven't already." I'm not sure.

"You know what fuck you, seriously you're just some asshole who thinks you're all that because teenage girls worship you, but you're not as they see it." He screamed stepping dangerously closer to me. "How do you think those precious girls would feel knowing you constantly attack your bandmate for being a fat faggot, like seriously you would lose everybody. But I've been oh so kind that I'm constantly out buying concealer to cover my fucking bruises and trying to lose weight for you to stop making fun of me. Why can't you see that I'm trying to stop this shit. I just want it to be over, I want to feel safe in my own fucking home, not scared of my old best friend."

He took a deep breath and looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"What do you have against me?" He whispered.

In one swift movement I wrapped my arms around his waist and linked my hands in the back, "myself."

And I leaned down to kiss -- were going to say him because the idea of kissing myself is odd and kinda disturbs me -- him once again as Gordon was screaming profanities at me.

Then I realized.

I wasn't here to kiss him, I was here to break him -- and it's about time I began before I ended up spending my night making out with him as if I never hated him.

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