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Yes To Heaven, Yes To Me

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Eren smirked and giggled underneath his breath before pretending to drop one of his books by accident.

He bent himself down, making it dangerously obvious to put his ass on display for the perverted fucker to see. And once he reclaimed his book from the linoleum floor, curiosity defeated him. He had to meet the eyes of his admirer.

Whoever the man was, he stayed silent, staring at him without apparent recognition but a kind of enticement. Dear god, those eyes . . . frost and fire, his penetrating gaze burned through Eren's awareness and the sharp steel in them bore a constant reminder. They scared him. The effort of standing motionless caused his muscles to tremble in protest and his eyes visibly widened.

Despite his fear, he didn't dare look away. He couldn't look away even if he mustered the strength. It was either gaze back or die. In that brief little moment, Eren thought he was frozen in the clockwork of time. He didn't even realize how long he stared into those predatory orbs that gleamed devil-bright.

"Have you found them?" out came Mr. Arlert's audible whisper from a short distance, causing the brunet to return to reality, much to his dismay. A light pink dusted his cheeks as he shook his head to snap himself out of it. He emerged from the dim corner. "Yes I have, thanks." he glanced upstairs, and a light bulb lit up in his brain. "I have to find a book I like upstairs, mind if I left my stuff here for a sec?" Eren asked and when the elder agreed, he was up the stairs in a flash.

His heartbeat quickened with every step and he couldn't help but feel a galvanizing rise of excitement because he knew the Adonis would trail after him. Eren loved the chase, especially when he saw that there was nobody upstairs. He made it sure to feign checking out a book in a spot that was easy to find. He didn't notice until一

"There you are," the stranger said a few yards behind him, smiling (to Eren's unexpected discomfort) as if greeting a close friend. There was nothing like a creepy smile to set someone off balance.

Eren failed to realize the fact that he lurched in shock, followed by a staccato scream flying from his lips. He thought he had the upper hand in this game of cat and mouse, but he didn't expect the cat to be so keen.

"Merde alors," he hissed, presumably in French, clasping a hand over the young boy's mouth. "Don't do that. Someone will hear you."

The noiret pulled the brunet's back against his perfectly toned chest一it was the only way to keep a firm grip over his mouth. Eren's body was slender and delicate, and shaking like a leaf.

"I'm not going to hurt you if that's what you're thinking." he said behind him in the caliginous atmosphere, "If I let you go, will you be quiet?"

The femboy nodded. Levi considered this. "You're lying."

Eren rolled his eyes, as if to say, What did you expect?, and a deep laugh escaped Levi. "What's your name?"

And then the weirdest thing happened. Eren found himself relax to the arms caging him. A tiny bit, anyway. He felt the tension slip away, felt his own breath as it sighed onto the man's palm. The youth wasn't bothered by the fact that he didn't know who the older man was.

Slowly, and with careful deliberation to make sure Eren could change Levi's mind at any time, he lifted his hand from his mouth though he didn't remove his grip from his bare waist. It might've been selfish on Levi's part but he couldn't bring himself to let the boy go.

"Who are you?" Levi murmured, tilting his words toward Eren's ear.

"Who are you? " Eren responded, much to Levi's annoyance.

"I asked you first."

"I don't talk to strangers."

Levi laughed at that, then twirled him around his arms so that they were face-to-face. He knew he was crazy for behaving so abominably, it was very out-of-character of him. He didn't even know if the brat was over eighteen or一eighteen at the very least. God, he was thirty-two for crying out loud. Yet he couldn't help himself, he felt like the youth in his embrace was up to something naughty.

And it irked Levi. . . cause so was he.

Levi felt light-headed一almost light-bodied. Something about this kid set his blood fizzing in his veins, and he was already exhausted at having finally reached Shiganshina after hours of travel from France.

He was home. Home. And there was a beautiful, interstellar, cock-hardening brat in his arms whom he was certain he would not violate. He struggled to fight the urge, it had been a long time since he savored the addicting sensation after all.

"I think. . ." Levi spoke softly, thoughtlessly, "I think I might need to kiss you, and I'm not even gay."

Eren jerked his head back, not looking scared exactly, but rather baffled. Or maybe concerned.

Smart kid, I do sound like a madman. Levi thought then said: "Just a little. . . I just need to remind myself again. . ."

Eren was silent, and then, as if he couldn't help himself he asked, "Of what?"

Levi smiled gently this time, he loved the brunet's childish, artless voice. It sounded like a melody, round like good brandy or a day out in spring.

"Of heaven." he lamented in yearning, running a thumb against Eren's cherry lips. "Say yes to me."

Eren's breath caught一he could hear the rasp of air from Levi's lips that was just a few inches away from his一but he didn't struggle. He waited for a moment, because if he resisted he knew the noiret would have to let him go and he didn't want that. So Eren stayed. Their eyes mesmerized of the anticipation of the moment. "Yes. ."

And so Levi kissed him. Tentatively at first, on the freckles of his cheeks, almost afraid Eren would disappear, that he might have just been a phantom and that he was imagining things.

And then once to his lips with fervency, and third to his tongue with lust.

But it wasn't enough.

Their tongues met, swirling with life around each other and Eren pulled the man closer, wrapping his arms around his broad shoulders. Levi reveled in the soft press of Eren's slim figure against his own.

Eren was taller, but small in a way that made the warrior in Levi want to slay dragons. Eren felt like a woman, warm and lush in all the right places. Their ravenous hunger for each other was intoxicating, like drinking starlight.

In a matter of minutes, all the fear that Levi had fell away.

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