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This Is What Makes Us Girls

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After the kiss they shared that night, Levi and Eren continued as they were before. Keeping their distances and avoiding each other's presences. Eren wasn't at all bothered by this anymore, now that he was made aware of Levi's intentions. In fact, he was a walking ray of sunshine who shone brighter than usual.

Eren cat-walked through the halls, clothed in an eye-catching chartreuse dress. Aside from earning some smoldering looks from girls clobbered in excessive make-up, there were rowdy members of the school's basketball team giving him wanton stares.

He winked at them and inwardly rejoiced when they patted each other in the backs with loud and unintelligent cheers.

Pfft, boys are all so easy. It's disappointing.

His bestfriends found his new behavior odd when he approached them.

"You look sprightly," Armin said, stacking the books neatly inside his locker. "Anything good happen to you?"

Eren cracked a smile. "You could say that."

"Have you found someone else to go crazy over?" Mikasa sneered. "Please tell me he's not fictional or twenty years older."

"I saw him drink coffee at recess today. Coffee!" Armin blurted out in comedic disbelief, "I couldn't believe what I was seeing."

That would be Levi's influence. Eren slightly shivered at how much of a bitter experience it was, literally! To make it edible, he ended up adding more sugar and creamer to it in the end.

"Since when does our Eren Jaeger drink anything other than glucose?"

"Guys, I'm right here." Eren butted in, annoyed by how his friends had treated him as if he wasn't even there. "But enough about me, today's Su-casa's special day! What'll we do to celebrate your sweet sixteen?"

"Um, about that一"

"Hey, babe." A certain Horseface (courtesy of Eren's creativity) neared Mikasa, brusquely kissing her cheek.

"Hey, babe." Eren mocked in a high-pitched voice. His face mimed a wretching motion, making it clear that Jean Kirstein was the most obnoxious dick on the planet. "What are you doing here?"

"Can't greet my girlfriend a happy birthday?"

"Like you care about her, you butthole."

"You're lucky your Mikasa's bestfriend, if not her brother," Jean scowled. "I would've beaten you to a pulp."

"All bark no bite, Jeanie. You'll recover."

"You guys are so up your asses." Mikasa intervened in distaste.

Straightening his posture, Jean said: "Since I'm so nice, you're invited to my party tonight."

Eren snorted, "If you're waiting for me to care about you're stupid party, I hope you brought some sugar cause it's going to take a really long time!"

"It's our party," Mikasa corrected the gray-haired with a sneer. Then turned back to Eren. "Jean convinced me to hold it at his place."

"Why the he一" But before he could even finish, Jean was already across the hallway who was flashing middle fingers at him. "Stop bitching, Gay-ger!"

"You're one to neigh, Horseface!" Eren glanced back at her. "Why are you even dating that prick?"

"Ugh." And the girl took off.

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