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Hey, Lolita, Hey!

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Home was where Levi's thoughts scattered like wildfires, whispering invisible words.

He sat at his office desk, a small cigar on one hand and cognac on the other with nothing but a lone lamp to penetrate the darkness. His mind had been in chaos, his conscience completely captivated with visions of the brat he met at the library.

It was clear that he loved him more than anything he had ever seen or imagined on Earth. The noiret was wholeheartedly enamored by the starlet, there was no doubt about that.

Though his concentration dwindled, he had to get his work done. He skimmed through a collection of folders that offered insight on each of his students, hoping to pick up the pace and hit the sack.

However, Levi stopped dead in his tracks.

Whatever God out there that people claimed to be kind and all-loving, it was clear he didn't amount to the likes of Levi Ackerman.

Lo and behold the hauntingly beautiful face of the brat in the form of a picture on the top corner of the file stapled in place. His eyes glued at the words printed below it.

Full Name: Eren Jaeger
Age: 15 years old
Nationality: Eldian
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 62 kg
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: March 30th
Place of Birth: Shiganshina, Maria, Paradis Island

The young vixen whom he kissed at long last had a name.


How lovely.

"Fuck. ." His back slumped into his chair as a short breath escaped him. He was done for.

Levi stared out the window, letting himself get lost in the night sky. His head swam among the stars, recalling how intent he was gazing into the creature's jewels. He was certain the boy wasn't human, but something far heavenly, like an angel but not quite. He was the epitome of purity and of sin.

Then he glanced at the open book he borrowed, catching eye to a familiar quote:

"It was love at first sight, at last sight, at ever and ever sight."

Somehow the verse awakened a reflection in himself, instantly regretting borrowing it in the first place. What a twisted and coincidental turn of events. Nabokov, you bastard, Levi thought.

He was well aware of what he was getting himself into but he couldn't help it, and maybe (for this moment) he couldn't care. He desired for his Lolita in maddening hunger, no matter if his Lolita had merely been a phantom.

Alas, he must drag his carcass back to reality. He had fallen in love before, how was this time any different?

Wait, had he gone insane? Of course, the situation was unprecedented. He was infatuated with a fucking kid, one who was but a child. Levi knew it was morally wrong and he needed to stop, not to mention illegal.

Wouldn't that be a shock to the cunning ladies and gentlemen of the jury? Levi could picture the headlines in bold: 32-year-old lawyer convicted of child sexual abuse. He regarded with confident certainty he'd kill himself before that unbecoming slogan made it to the internet or the press. There was no way he would allow himself to live if that were to happen; but everytime he resisted the thought, somehow the boy found ways of taking deep dives into his daydreams.

Levi couldn't sleep at all that night, fearing his mind's capability of being demented. He was thoroughly perplexed; he would have to face Eren Jaeger tomorrow, and God knows what he'll do once he does.

Sunshine cracked through the veneer of clouds, through the space between Levi's bedroom curtains. Fatigue enveloped him along with his eyeballs threatening to pop out at any moment but he got out of bed regardless. He went about his morning routine as per usual, like clockwork. At school, Levi set foot into the teacher's lounge and settling onto his desk. His forehead wrinkled once he glanced at his schedule for the day. He had no idea at what time Eren Jaeger would show up in one of his classes.

"Levi," Erwin greeted, hand in one of his pockets. "Welcome back."

Levi resisted making a guttural noise. "Thanks."

"Have you grown accustomed to the school?"

"The cleaning could use a hell of a lot of work 'round here."

Erwin's smile grew. "I figured you'd say that."

He was unsure whether or not Erwin noticed but his body quivered at the ring of the school bell. They've been friends for more than a decade, surely the blond-haired could tell whenever he felt unease.

"I can tell something's off but I won't push you into telling," Erwin's expression darkened. "After what happened with一"

"I appreciate the sentiment, Eyebrows," The noiret cut in, nearly snapping yet still somehow keeping his cool. "But I don't need to be reminded of the past."

Levi was in a headpsace as he walked away from his conversation with Erwin. It bothered him to be five minutes late as he was very meticulous about his time, but this prestigious academy better cut him some slack on his first day teaching or he'd sure as hell call it quits. And there was that ocean-eyed brat he had to take his mind off of.

When he pulled the doorknob open, a gush of air condition welcomed him. The room had pupils that were in groups, returning to each of their desks when he stepped inside and towards the teacher's table. He settled with his laptop and materials and breathed deeply through his nose before gathering the courage to look up at the eighth graders.

His sharp eyes quickly darted at the lit corner of the room, where the bright sunshine hit the most.

And there his Lolita was.

On the farthest side near the window; bright pink-colored eyelids closed and fruit punch lips pursed. He rested his chin on the back of his palm, focused on the music from his earphones. Levi's heart jumped. Eren was dolled up so beautifully, flowers adorning his pink dress, like that of a goddess arousing hundreds of mortal men and toppling them down forty stories high. A young Aphrodite. Very, very young.

Perhaps due to his facial expression, he came off as looking fearful and intimidating? Was he kidding? He was fearful and intimidating. The entire class disliked the atmosphere radiating from Levi and when they noticed whom their new math teacher was glaring at, one of them patted Eren Jaeger by the shoulder, earning his instant attention and ripping his earphones off when he noticed him.

Levi watched, hands crossed as his vixen's eyes widened in shock. He was so shocked he instinctively stood up from his seat and backed a step away. "It's you!"

Levi inwardly melted at his voice. Unfortunately, he had a reputation to maintain: the strict, spawn-of-Satan math teacher. "Excuse me?"

Everyone fell silent. Eren's cheeks reddened in pure embarrassment and sat back down. "Uh, I mean-nothing, absolutely nothing! I'm sorry!"

"Right." Levi replied sarcastically, and stepped onto the center of the small platform. "The name's Levi Ackerman, I will be your math teacher for the remainder of the school year. In my class, you brats will abide by my rules: First and foremost, making sure this room is spotless during my period." he took a nonchalant glance at Eren, "Second is paying attention, is that understood, Jaeger?"

"Y一Yes, Sir."

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