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The Lucky Ones

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"Yoo-hoo, Levi!" Hange swooped through the handful of students as it was the start of lunch period. "I've got a box of Clorox in the janitor's closet, they're limited edition!"

"Like that's going to work on me," Levi said, striding forward with no regard of her pesky existence. "Leave me alone, Hange."

"Jeez, you're like a girl on her period when I'm around."

"Yeah, and my dick is roughly a bajillion miles long." Hange sniggered at that remark.

In all of Levi's years of forming friendships with people (or at the very least tried to), Hange Zoe was one sandwich short of a picnic despite her undeniable intelligence with living organisms. Although the woman was hyper-active at times to the point of being creepy with her driven pursuit of new knowledge, they, along with Erwin and the other teachers possessed a camaraderie built on a foundation of trust and deep regard for one another.

She stepped in front of the man to stop him from plunging forward. "Oh my god, are you in love?"

Levi looked at her square in the face, "Hell no." Then trodded in the opposite direction but was once again blocked by the brunette.

"Holy-cripes-you totally-are!-I-mean-am-I-finally-going-to-be-that-cool-aunty-babysitting-your-miniature-grumpy-babies-like-seriously-who-the-hell-is-it?" she said with incoherent rapidity.

"Someone who doesn't concern you." he deadpanned.

Was it that obvious? Hange was a smart woman, despite her semi-socio, semi-psycho tendencies. The noiret figured that the brunette, of all people, would notice shifts in his personality.

"Now if you want to keep your glasses intact, I suggest you get out of my way."

"Hear me out for a second!" Hange's lips curved up, as if she had the latest juiciest gossip. "Erwin's hosting the reunion slash anniversary next weekend and I was wondering. . can I please, please hitch a ride from you?"

"I heard." he told her, "But you and I both know the last thing I'd want to go to is a fucking party."

"Come on, Levi! My car's at the shop!"

Levi scowled. "I'm not going, Shitty Glasses."

Dissatisfied with his responses, Hange pouted at him and breathed a puff through her nose. It wasn't the first time Levi was being difficult, but it would be great if the noiret would just give himself a break at least once a while. She knew how much of a workaholic Levi was even after settling in France, so she was hell-bent on convincing him to take a minute vacation at Erwin's. It was only for two nights. "It'd mean a whole lot to him if you came. It's the least you could do."

Levi's eyebrow twitched at that. As cold and apathetic as others perceived him to be, it wasn't like Levi was absent of feeling for those close to him. Stricken by remorse, he suddenly recalled about the times they performed as one niche rock band all those years ago and how Erwin conjured no thoughts whatsoever of shunning him after he told him bits about his tormenting past. He was his friend for as long as he could remember, so Hange did dish out a fair point.

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