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Heaven Is A Place On Earth

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"So what do you wanna do now?" His angel nibbled on his Snickers, carelessly leaving wrappers around him. The boy called Crash Bandicoot quits after a hundred repeated losses and learning that it wasn't a two-player game. Bummed he couldn't play with Levi at the same time, he eventually grew bored, deciding to eat his cravings away instead.

"It's gross when you eat like that," Levi shuddered at the pieces of trash discarded on the floor, "You're lucky you're cute."

An awkward silence had fallen in the entire room, followed by Levi swallowing a gulp of beer in his throat with an expression that was calm. There was the kind of fascination that shut his body down, and another kind that woke it up whenever he would lay his sights on Eren. With his past women, he was in a soul-coffin, as shut down as a person could be yet still somehow breathed. With his young Aphrodite, the desires brought every fiber of his being to a state of aliveness he never knew was even possible.

Did Levi Ackerman actually believe that he was born irredeemably wicked? Oh, how tragic! It only fueled hopelessness to his life that helped explain his mindless pursuit of making love to Eren. Levi wanted to spoil him; see him dressed in expensive outfits of different fabrics and adorn him with satin ribbons and costly jewels. It was a mad desire he'd never experienced, never having cared how others dressed. But the way Eren carried grace and elegance in whatever he wore tied knots in Levi's gut.

When Eren caught him staring, he felt fire all over despite having eaten half a tub of gelato. Some gazes were the promise of love and protection, Levi's was all that and more. He loved it when the man couldn't stop looking at him.

"There's chocolate all over my face, isn't there?"

"Yeah," Levi's voice trailed off and his sentence left in suspense. "But seeing you in whatever you do heals me."

Eren stilled, surprised by his words. Then his gaze steadied and started to smolder, igniting a heat within him and was suddenly aware of how very alone they both were.

"I promise you that there's not a day where I don't stop thinking about you." Levi held such primitive hunger, looking ravenous and eager to devour the boy whole. "Every fucking day I wish you're mine, every single damned day."

Eren shifted nervously on his seat then gave him a determined look. "I am yours!" he moved closer and took Levi's palms in his, kneading the back with his thumbs. "My body is yours, you can touch me all you want."

"It's not just your body I一" he broke off abruptly. Was it? Surely it wasn't true. Had he been so much of a fool to mistake lust for something more? The words stuck at the very heart of his ears about Eren一desiring him only for physicality. Suddenly the fears came in waves and Levi knew he was going to drown if he let them consume him.

No. He did love him to the point that words aren't enough. But would he prove it without touching him? Without telling him? Levi believed he could somehow, that's all he ever needed to connect. Him and Eren, just eyes, no words. If he were mute, his love would've been all the same.

Touch you all you want, you say. Levi thought, I could have ever single inch of your body pressed against mine and I still would've been left wanting.

Then Levi stiffened when Eren looped his arms around his neck and pulled him closer, voice lowered to a whisper. "Let me at least show you what you've been missing."

Levi closed his eyes against his words but they were designed to tempt him, and tempt him they did. Every time they touched, it only roused his ardent need for more. Now with the sweet scent of Eren's tanned skin that was honeyed perfection in his nostrils and the brunet's breath warming his cheek, he wanted to know more, feel more.

"Have you forgotten that you're deplorably a virgin?" Levi said, attempting to regain control of the situation.

Eren had a sweet dimpled smile. He was all the world to him. "What would you do if I told you I wasn't?"

"Are you?"

The starlet was silent so long that Levi feared he wouldn't answer. When he did begin to speak, his voice held a dead quality. "I almost lost it once, forcefully to a group of college guys, they thought I was a girl. When they saw that I wasn't, they said terrible things. ." A heavy sigh wracked him. "I was thirteen when it happened."

"Eren. ." Levi breathed, the word in his mouth felt like poetry. His poor, poor darling. Levi didn't want to imagine what it would've been like for the boy, stumbling across such a terrifying scene. His stomach churned to think of him there: alone, naked, and violated.

"Did you tell you're mother about it?"

"No," His heart pounded. "I didn't want to burden her, especially when she was having terrible pains in her chest."

"Why in God's name did you think that way?" Levi said, incredulous. "You were nearly raped."

"I thought I could deal with it on my own, and it wasn't like I didn't experience any of it before. People have always tried to touch me."

"I'm so sorry," Coming up behind him, Levi laid a hand on his back, but Eren didn't seem to notice. "That day, I touched you when we first met. You were scared, you ran, you screamed, and I never should've laid my hands on you. Please believe me when I say that it was never my intention to force myself on you." he put his free hand to his eyes, not wanting Eren to see him in his shame. "Please forgive me."

"I believe you!" The muscles of Eren's throat worked convulsively. "I won't lie. I was scared, because it was all I ever knew to feel in that situation but I wanted you to follow me so we could be alone. When you had me in your arms, I've never felt the safest. I felt it with you, Levi."

Intoxication came and went, Levi could feel it through him. It came with real love, the kind that lasted, the kind that was steadfast and sweet.

"I'll tell you all the time," Eren told him tenderly, "Heaven is a place on Earth with you, and everything I do? All of it is for you, Levi."

Eren heard the words come out of his mouth. It was that weird feeling again. So this is what true love feels like? It was so much better than he ever even knew. Maybe there was some truth shed in those picture books after all. . that the world had been built for two and that it was only worth living if somebody was loving you through it all.

The boy's eyes darted from Levi's eyes to his lips consistently, and then it was over. Their mouths caught in a rough and unrestrained kiss, driving them apart with the force of it. There was completely nothing gentle about it. Eren felt the softness of pillows on his back as Levi pushed him down, every thought in his head exploded to a pure, pounding white. Levi felt the dark curl of desire begin to twist inside him bending all his rules and snapping the last trembling bit of restraint, yet he tried one last time to pull away.

"No," Eren rasped, pulling Levi's neck towards him and bringing their lips together again. It was just like it had been before一only hotter. "Don't even think of stopping now." The brunet slid his hands under Levi's shirt to press him nearer, earning a low groan at the back of the man's throat.

"I heard that you like the bad girl types." Eren teased, "Honey, is that true?"

Levi's eyebrows curled. "Where'd you hear that from?"

"Miss Zoe's biology class."

Levi muttered under his breath, "That Four-Eyes doesn't know when to shut up." Then he grabbed him around the waist with trembling fingers. He was being gentle now, Eren sensed he was afraid of hurting him.

He let out a joyous giggle, it was a melody of a song Levi could listen to for the rest of his life. "You know I'm not going to break, right? I'm not as delicate as you think I am."

"I still feel like I might end up breaking you." Levi said through their kisses, "I can never believe the reality of it all whenever we lock lips, never did I think in my wildest dreams I'd be一"

Eren pulled back and put a finger to his lips, silencing him.

"Just shut up and kiss me more, Mr. Ackerman."

Then they lost themselves in another chocolate kiss.

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