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The Wishing Well Spirit 

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Before a full two weeks had passed, Eren became the worst patient imaginable.

He was healing at a remarkable rate, though not quickly enough for his own satisfaction. He agitated himself as well as his mother and the nurses that came into his room like clockwork by pushing them to their every conceivable limit. He wanted to wear his cute clothes and skip around town. He wanted to savor his mother's homemade cooking and Mr. Hannes' desserts一eat real food three times a day, and not just the goopy sludge the nurses bring him when Carla couldn't due to her work.

To his unexpected delight though, his friends as well as a flock of admirers came by and surprised him with a sweet homely cake. Some had given him cute get-better-soon cards, candies, and even flowers. Eren rejoiced in the brief moments of their visits.

Then as quickly as he was surrounded by blissful company, Eren was alone again.

Annie Leonhart's long-awaited sweet sixteen was later tonight, and although she and Eren never really knew each other well enough to be considered friends, he was invited. She was having a double slumber-pool-party with barbeque and everything, which was all the way from Friday night to Sunday afternoon. Who wouldn't want to go? She handed out invitations during lunch break today, they had pretty blue cards with fancy lettering which her stepfather had custom made. Eren was jealous out of his wits to the thought of Armin and all his other friends have fun without him.

The youth was swamped with the unfamiliar feelings of shame and of being left out. It was his fault for landing himself at the hospital in the first place and so his only recourse was to take refuge in screaming into his pillow and throwing tantrums.

One day, he dreamt. Eren was walking along a sun-drenched lane lined with white chrysanthemums and dandelions swaying in the wind. It was a place in an ancient part of Shiganshina where he had walked on many times before in his younger years, past wet fields and tall late-summer grasses. He strolled alone until he approached the wishing well where he once tossed coins into the water and whispered wishes. Having heard from the local old women of the well spirit who lived beneath it. According to legend, the spirit would wait for an innocent maiden, capture her, drag her down the well, and be forced to live as his bride.

In Eren's dream, however, he was fearless, even daring to dip his blue nail-polished toes into the sloshing water. To his surprise, it wasn't warm, but rather deliciously cool. He lowered himself to the edge, dangling his bare legs into it and lifting his face to the hotness of the sun. Then he felt a soft touch on his ankles. He stayed very still, feeling no fear even when he sensed movement beneath the surface of the water.

Another touch. . . a hand . . . long fingers smoothed his feet and massaged tenderly, rubbing his soles until he sighed in pleasure. The big masculine hands slid higher, caressing his calves and knees, while a large sleek body emerged from the depths of the well. His arms wrapped around the boy. Eren felt the strange feel of him but it was so lovely that he kept his eyelids close, anxious if he tried looking at him, he might disappear. The spirit's skin was cold and silken, the muscles on his back rippling underneath Eren's fingertips.

His dream lover told him whispers of endearments that felt ticklish in his ears as he embraced him, his mouth playing over his throat. Everywhere he touched, Eren felt a glow of sensation. "I'm going to take you. ." The entity whispered, carefully undoing the buttons of his white dress and drawing it away. The laddie's skin baring to the light and air and water. "Don't be afraid, little love. ."

And as Eren shivered, he held him blindly while his tongue touched his nipples, darting out to flick the sweetly aching flesh again and again and again. . until the brunet let out a moan. "Levi. ."

He opened his mouth and covered one of Eren's budded peaks, drawing on it with a gentle tug with his teeth, then stroked again with his tongue and pulled again. . . licking and sucking in a soft, clever rhythm. Eren arched and gasped, helplessly and then widening his thighs as the spirit moved tightly between them . . . and then . . .

Eren's eyes flew open. His mind reeled as he woke up feeling in a tangled mess of confusion and desire, lungs heaving wildly. Dang it, he thought. The stupid dream faded, and he realized he wasn't out of the hospital yet, and the sounds of water were not from the wishing well but from the heavy rain outside. He was getting too sexually frustrated. The blasted hospital had terrible wi-fi so he couldn't exactly distract himself, and porn wasn't an option either, much to his disappointment. He, a hormonal pubescent teenage boy, couldn't possibly survive another week without cumming. He was hard. Like, achingly hard.

His perverse thoughts were interrupted by an "Oi." The brunet glanced up to see Levi seated cross-legged on a chair across the room, engrossed in a drab book. The hint of a forced smile curved Eren's lips. I'm horny, Levi, what in The Commonwealth of Paradis are you doing here?!

With the slight flush of the crests of his cheeks, Eren curled up and pulled his blanket over his shoulders, dearly hoping to hide his boner. Levi noticed this, eyes seeming lighter and startling than usual. "Brought you a breakfast burrito."

How does Levi manage to get more and more attractive as time passes by? The man was so unearthly handsome, in a white dress shirt and cravat and waistcoat. And the man had a damn burrito for him on top of everything! Not to mention how he could picture him naked, and tracing his fingertips along the muscles of his back. The fluttering on Eren's chest caused him near apoplexy. "Thanks."

"You were mumbling in your sleep."

"I was?" Eren threw him a guarded glance, "Did I say anything weird?"

"Not really," Levi replied apathetically. Eren sighed in relief. "Levi, Levi, oh, Levi."

The boy shot up from bed, all the heat rushing to his face. "What!"

Levi closed his book and settled it on the table. Then looked at him straight in his eyes. "What were you dreaming about?"



"I'm not!"

"You are."

"I'm really not!"

The noiret's voice deepened and lowered a look. "Then why are you hard?"

If it was physically possible not to blush any harder, Eren would have. "Fine," Flooded with embarrassment, the brunet automatically reached down to cover his private area. "I am hard."


"I一I had a wet dream, okay!" he replied unevenly, "I've been trying to take care of it for a while now but. . ." Eren's vision blurred as his gaze wandered somewhere else in the room . "I can't. ." he paused and finished hesitantly, ". . cum."

Levi gave him a long intent stare. Something strange crossed his expression. An undefinable emotion wrought of heat and vulnerability. When he answered, his voice was strained in the effort to sound cavalier. "What do you want me to do?" He waited for the response, the response that would end his career and overall life if he dared to give in to his desires.

"Will you help me?" Eren said shakily, "Please?"

Ah shit.

The sexual tension intensified. The femboy was breathing heavily now and his thighs were already rubbing against each other from searing need, toes fidgeting through the frilly white socks.

Wary, Levi knew he would regret this day of hasty decisions but his mouth opened to reply, "I . . "

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