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It was May 17th, you awoke earlier than your alarm. You groaned folding the pillow over your head. You might as well begin getting ready for work. You sat up and threw your legs over the bed, your body aching in protest. You sighed, silently convincing yourself to stand up and begin your morning ritual.

You walk to your bathroom attached to your bedroom by only a few feet, your steps memorized as the sun had yet to light your path. You turned the handle of the porcelain bath, a squeak being heard as a warm stream began to flow. You shed your t-shirt and panties you sleep in, and stepped into the bath once full. You sat in the bath a bit, the warmth of the steam tickling your face. After some time, you sat up, allowing the water to drain. You stepped from the bath brushing your teeth and preparing your outfit. Settling on a white button-down top, black blazer, and mini skirt to match, you finished up brushing and quickly did your typical makeup and hairstyle. Dressing in office attire like this made you feel a bit uncomfortable, but as your job was working at the new station and you happened to be on a paid internship, it was best to always make a good impression. It paid the bills and cut down on costs for schooling and living expenses.

Stepping outside, you hopped on your moped parked by the large oak near your home. You popped on your helmet, and began riding down the forested path that led away from your humble little home. Checking the time, you were actually grateful to have woken up early, as you had ample time to not only go through the countryside, but to avoid rush hour traffic. You would be early to work for once! With a smile, you popped on the radio connected to your helmet, and started up your engine.

Immediately, the news turned to the news of the massacres from Nicky Town to Ginger Town. These past days that is all every radio and news station covered, including yours. You clenched your fists tighter around the handles of your moped, the thought of so many innocent people... the senseless loss of life.. All for no reason, no real explanation other than some strange green bug monster being rumored to be responsible. It makes no sense, you gritted your teeth. Whoever or whatever was responsible for the loss of life needed to be taught a lesson.

Despite all of the news, you felt optimistic about your day today. Sure you haven't been working long at this news station, but you felt like several of your coworkers liked you. I mean there wouldn't be much reason to dislike you. You kept to yourself and you worked as an editor for the teleprompter, which required nothing to do really. Before you knew it, you were at the front of the building, morning rays licking the surface of its many windows.

As you stepped inside the structure, a cool breeze grazed your exposed skin. You greeted the receptionist. She seemed tense, but everyone seemed tense nowadays. You stepped into the elevator, watching the numbers tick until you reached your floor. The news crew was setting up for the morning, you stood off to the side of the cameras as always. A sudden rush of commotion briefly started then silence as someone yelled "We're on air!". The same generic news anchor greeting was held until a loud crash was heard.

The side of the building had been completely bursted through! The wind outside rushed in, creating the sound of whistling in your ears. Several of your colleagues rushed past you, screams echoed in your ears. You could only remain still out of shock. You saw some of your coworkers trapped underneath debris. Chaos was all you could describe it as. So much adrenaline pumped through you at once that you almost didn't notice him. There stood well, more like levitated, a massive green bug creature. He resembled a man, yet had so many features reminiscent of an insect. He held the news anchorman and began to monologue about how he was to destroy the Earth if no one could best him in a tournament.

You clenched your fists. He would potentially destroy the Earth, over some game he came up with? He acts as if he is a god! Who does he think he is?! You ground your teeth together so hard you swore your jaw shifted from the force. As he finished his speech, he raised a hand and shot what appeared like a laser or concentrated fire that scorched the city in a perfect line. Just like that in seconds, he had massacred thousands by literally lifting just his hand. Innocent people were wiped away in mere seconds. There is no mistaking, this man is the one who took the life of all those killed in all those other cities. As he does this, all live feed cuts. You screamed out of anger and grabbed a piece of rubble at your feet.

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