Inconsistent Thoughts

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Light shined lovingly on your shut eyes, causing you to wake up from a well-needed rest. Your body still ached with exhaustion from a rather busy week. Though you hadn't worked too much in person, Cell was a handful. If he wasn't acting like his normal vain self, he would pester you endlessly with asinine questions. Other times, he would completely amaze you with his powers. You smiled when you thought of a specific memory where he combined all three of the things you listed just a few weeks prior.

"Woman, what sort of device is this?" In his hand, he held a toaster.

You put your hand to your face as you spoke, "A toaster. That is a toaster. You use it to toast bread or bagels." He cocked an eyebrow at you expectantly. You sighed " To toast something, is to basically cook it until it is crisp."

He hummed and fiddled with it, examining each detail of it. "Despite the uselessness of you humans, you come up with intricate and interesting machines to overcome menial tasks" He stopped analyzing the toaster to look up to you. "If humans used ki, they could replicate that exact action with just a flick of a finger" You simply stared at him as if he was crazy. He then sat down the toaster and threw a loaf of bread in the air. A small beam of light came from his finger, frying the bread. The loaf landed in his hand, steaming and golden brown.

You stared slack-jawed. Of course, you sorta saw glimpses of something similar to that during the Cell Games, but seeing it in person was amazing. Cell could only smirk at your reaction, before chuckling. "Ah, you humans are amazed by anything! That is not even close to a fraction of my abilities. Come."

He beckoned to you with a finger. You obeyed, he held his massive hand onto your shoulder. You stared up at him and he met your gaze and smiled as he held two fingers to his temple. Your stomach dipped, and when you opened your eyes, you were on a beautiful island. "H-How" was all you could sputter out. He only chuckled at your reaction.

Your memory faded, you felt the tingle on your cheeks from smiling too hard. You beat yourself up for acting like that. You sighed and got out of bed, swearing you wouldn't daydream about him anymore today. He had only been gone for just a day so far!

You began mentally scheduling what activities you were going to do this week. Today, you were gonna work from home. Your boss was already well aware of this, as you informed him yesterday. You honestly didn't have to, you were well in your right to work at home. He pitched a fit, but your mind was set. You were exhausted in every way, and wanted to just relax as much as possible.

Just then your mind decided to wander back to the dream you had last night. You blushed harshly. You began to think why a dream like that would even occur? You hummed in thought, and paced around your room. They say dreams are just your inner self trying to process things that occurred while you were awake. Perhaps you subconsciously picked up on Cell's feelings? He was acting so strange, so maybe your brain was trying to tell you he liked you? You pushed the thought from your head, your heart racing.

No no, we've established that isn't it. You groaned, you decided it was best to distract yourself with mundane tasks for today. You grabbed your laptop and sauntered off into the direction of the living room. At some point, you drifted off. When you woke up from what felt like a very brief nap, it was night. Gods, you were a total mess. Not only were your every waking thoughts plagued by a certain bio android, but you couldn't even stay up to finish your work. You rubbed your temples. You really needed to get your shit together.

You slipped on your slippers and stepped outside. The crisp night air caused your skin to prickle at its touch. The night was clear, crickets and frogs sang their songs loudly. If anything they were far more lively than normal. You wandered down the path, cutting to Cell's spot.

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