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"D-damn it all..."

The strangled slew of profanities was what jogged you from the warm pools of sleep. Sitting up with a start, you rubbed your eyes vigorously, still drunk with sleep as you tried to make a coherent thought. Instead, all you managed to do was ramble incoherent drabbles. "Cell! Oh, you're okay! I thought, I didn't know-"

"Gods woman, speak!" Cell gripped at his brows, very agitated at your lack of sense. Normally you'd tell him off for being so snappy but you were so overjoyed at seeing him awake, you rushed him and grabbed him by the neck. He grumbled but relented, allowing you to snuggle on top of him while he still laid on the couch. Pulling away from him, you gazed at his injuries. His chitin armor was still cracked in places but his limbs seemed to be pulsating as if alive. The stumps leaked a viscous translucent plasma, the liquids soiling the sofa and dribbling onto the hardwood floor. He looked away as you examined him, keeping his piercing gaze trained to the floor. He held a deep scowl, but underneath it, you could see he felt shame.

Shame he wasn't strong enough, shame you found him in such a state, shame that he felt weak and powerless. You brushed his face, nudging it in your direction. He held firm, refusing to meet your eyes. He pushed your hand away, seeming to be in a far off-world. "They...will regenerate." He stated quietly, his voice lacking his usual confident bravado. He sighed aloud, his frustration clearly written on his every feature. "I believe... I believe they damaged my core... It may be some time before I can regenerate..." he growled and brought his hands to his face. His anger seemed to be spilling over as each second passed. "They will not make a mockery of me. Mark my words. I won't lose to them again. I am perfect!"

An exacerbated breath escaped your lips. You hopped off of him, noting he hadn't even seemed to notice you left his side as he began his long slew of threats and curses at the men who maimed him. Yep... Cell would be just fine. Once he started talking to himself, he was bound to annoy the hell out of you, which is something he did often if frustrated enough. You yawned, looking to the ground and seeing Junior fast asleep. You opted on making breakfast for your cicada companions, knowing if all else failed, food always shut Cell up, even just for a moment.

As you began to set out the ingredients needed for your greedy bio-androids, you heard the soft patter of little feet and a yawn. Junior entered the kitchen, rubbing his eyes as his wings fluttered a bit with each scruff of his eyes. "Mommy, what are you doing?" You smiled and bent down to his height. "I'm making you and your grumpy daddy something to eat. Wanna help Mommy cook?" His little face beamed with excitement as he zipped around you, chittering unnaturally. You both worked side by side, preparing veggies and spices for the breakfast skillet. He seemed to struggle with the concept of cooking, much like his father, but Junior was a fast learner. By just observing you, and with your direction, he easily sliced and diced ingredients. A small smile pulled at your lips, if only his father could've seen. In no time, both you and Junior created a feast made for the appetite of your superhuman mate.

You hoped the meal would not only aid in Cell's healing process, but help him relax enough to explain what the hell happened yesterday. As both you and Junior plated the food, you bent to his height and gave his little obsidian crown a rub and a gentle kiss. "Thank you, sweetheart. You did a great job! Mind grabbing Daddy?" He leaned to your touch, making soft chitters and clicking sounds. He nodded excitedly, and ran out of the kitchen to the living room where Cell remained, still ruminating over his loss and injuries.

"Damn it boy! Leave me be. Don't you see your father is busy?" His tone was enraged, sounding nothing like the Cell you had grown so fond of. You marched over to him, noting Junior seemed angered by his fathers's declaration. Standing beside him, you looked down at his crippled form. "Apologize. Now." You reprimanded firmly. "For what? The boy is a copy of me. A cheap imitation. I created him solely to retrieve you and nothing more."  He was steadfast, not crumbling to you whatsoever.

Vain Biology- Cell x Reader Where stories live. Discover now