An Act

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You awoke groggily, your alarm blaring ripping you from slumber. You checked the time, only to realize you managed to oversleep! Another rushed morning for work it appears. You should've just said you would work from home today but nooo you decided to go in person. "Shit I'll be late!" You yelled and got up quickly. You didn't even bother bathing, you just brushed your teeth and slicked your hair back. Rushing to your wardrobe, you threw several pairs of clothes onto your bed in one swift motion. Struggling for balance as you frantically put on your black slacks, you shoved your feet into a pair of shiny leather loafers. Finishing up by desperately trying to button a white collared shirt, you grabbed your purse.

As you made your way out of your bedroom and into the main area of the house, you saw Cell still in your house. In just shy of over a year you've known him, he has once never stayed the night. Strange, but you called out to him, "Uh big guy, I'll be late soon so when you leave, please just lock up." He looked up at you, hard and didn't reply. No famous smirk or sarcastic whip out of him. Perhaps this is a new emotion you've drawn out of him, though it was an unwelcome one. "Okay..." you muttered. "Help yourself to some of the leftovers," You said awkwardly.

He has been off since last night. Asking strange questions and just staring at you in a way you could not decipher. And how he acted almost gently. Well, as gentle as a man filled with bloodlust could be. But the way he brushed your cheek... You shook the thought from your mind. He was simply curious as always. You told yourself. Nothing more. He is a monster you reminded yourself of this harshly. He is using you, for now, that is the only reason you are still alive. You broke eye contact with Cell as that thought crossed your mind, and walked swiftly to your moped.

Just as you reached, he was there, standing in front of your bike. "You no longer seem ill, but you need your energy. You have not consumed enough food to fuel your small human body." Always calling me either small or little. But why is he even inquiring about your well-being? Just a year ago he made threats to you often disguised as jokes. He was dismissive of you, as if your very presence hardly crossed his mind. He always treated you like you were more of a pet or servant to him. He never paid you mind or even thanked you. All of this sudden change over the course of last night. Now he has the nerve to act like he cares about your wellbeing... Does he? No, no thats stupid. That's what he would want you to think. He thinks you're stupid. You clenched your teeth. So why is he acting like this now? Acting like he isn't a monster? You simply furrowed your brows in a mix of annoyance and confusion, and walked past him. "I'm fine. I don't have time for breakfast. And why do you care anyway?" You spat and rode past him.

He did not react, just stared at you blankly, his eyes watching you as you rode down the beaten route. He has never even remotely acted as if he cared for your well-being before, so what gives him the right to play pretend? He typically runs on and on about how perfect he is or how weak you are, or how one day he will destroy his enemies. In all honesty, you knew he only tolerated your presence because you provided him with food. Though it had been over a year, you thought maybe he saw you as more than just a source of food. But you weren't stupid, at least not as stupid as he thought you were. You sighed as you continued to ride down the beaten path, as fast as you could. Last night played non-stop in your head. What would he even gain by appearing even mildly concerned for you?

The constant back and forth thoughts in your mind, made you not even register that you had arrived at the front of your job. Checking your watch, you groaned and put your hand to your forehead. You ended up being 20 mins late to work. "Goddamn it" you muttered quietly. You slipped off your helmet and walked into the reception area. You knew you were gonna be hounded by your boss, and he would intentionally give you more work to do. All you could do was hope you wouldn't be home too late, as you stepped into the elevator.

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