Wildflowers & Moonlight

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Sweat formed freely on your forehead. He was asking directly how you felt about him?! " C-Cell, you've only been back for almost a week, it's too soo-"

"Tell me" he beckoned once more. "Do you see me as a monster? I want to know"

you sighed a little, realizing this wasn't about him asking if you liked him or something. You laughed to yourself for thinking Cell would even do that. He barely had a grasp of the concept of romance, let alone thinking you were into him. You smiled and rubbed his hand up and down. His face seemed to stiffen and he let out a harsh breath.

" I don't see you as a monster Cell. Maybe before, but how you are now, you aren't the same person anymore" he cocked his head at you and opened his mouth to probably say something stupid since he takes everything literally. "You are becoming stronger as you learn more about what makes you tick. It has made you better than you were before, more perfect I'd say" you winked at the last part and he held his head back and laughed. He seemed happy with your response. You didn't think he would care so much about how you perceive him, as he always was well, is totally self-obsessed.

"I still have much to learn, little one, but for now I am glad I'm picking up on all of this so quickly. As expected as a perfect specimen such as myself." He released your face from his grasp, gently rubbing a sharp onyx nail over your brow as he did. He still stared down at you and continued. "I care not if others see me as a monster, in fact, I actually enjoy it." He smiled maliciously, you shuddered remembering he still is Cell after all. "But the thought of you fearing me or seeing me as a beast...no longer excites me. The fact you hardly did is what drew me to you in the first place. If you showed the same cowering fear as those other insects, I'm sure I would have vaporized you just as I've done to others" he said this matter of factly, with a small smile on his face. To him, it might've seemed as the ultimate compliment, to not desire the destruction of another lifeform. But to you, it was a reminder that though your life was safe, Cell still had a lot of unlearning behaviors to do.

You smiled nervously and patted his forearm. Moments when he was so kind or when you'd get caught up in conversation made you forget that Cell still has malice in his heart. You were determined to help him though, it was actually a good thing he seemed to like you, as it ensured you could guide and mold him slightly with your persuasion.

"Ah, and little one" He said interrupting your thoughts. You just now noticed his new nickname for you. It was far sweeter than "woman" or "human". Your face heated up a tad at it, you cursed yourself silently as he continued, "Do be prepared nicely around 10 pm sharp. Seeing you dressed for such a weakling left a bad taste in my mouth" he smirked down at you, his voice laced with his usual cockiness. "I wish to court you, and though the way you humans pursue partners is frivolous, I am willing to lower myself to such actions so you are to never make the mistake of entertaining weaker beings'' He smiled, baring his white canines at you, hunger painting his features. You couldn't help but hear the possessive tones in each word as he spoke huskily. "I will return later tonight, you have all day to prepare. Consider this, a research project of mine." he turned away from you, fingers to his head. Turning his head to you lazily," Oh and little one, do forgo that abhorrent paint on your face and those fragrances that masked your natural scent. I much prefer you just how you are." He zipped away.

You let a shuddering breath go, your shoulders fell heavy to your sides. You grasped at your chest to slow your racing heart. When had he gotten this charming? Gods the effect he had on you... you hadn't even realized, he didn't even ask if you wanted to do this! You grumbled biting your bottom lip.

Goddamned bug boy...

Vain Biology- Cell x Reader Where stories live. Discover now