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"Good night Mommy, goodnight Dad."

"Nightie night Junior." You kissed the inky obsidian jem atop Junior's head and brushed his alabaster cheeks as you tucked him into bed. He smiled softly at you and turned expectantly to his father who was leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed.

Cell seemed visibly annoyed at Junior, and scowled at the boy. He can't even say goodnight to his son? This cold shoulder better not be about Junior interrupting earlier. You stood up straight and crossed your arms with a brow raised in preparation to scold him for lack of manners when you heard a scoff and a clearing of his throat.

"Night boy. Don't leave the bed until you hear morning birds sing, are we clear?"

Junior nodded and smiled before yawning, his lids fluttering as he began to snore softly. You smiled softly at the young cicada child and shut the light off.

Closing the door behind you quietly, you wandered into the spare closet in search for blankets, mechanical steps following your every step. Straining to reach the top shelf, you grabbed some extra blankets and prepared the couch to sleep.

As badly as you missed your bed right now, you had questions that needed answers from your new companion. His grave look before dinner and cryptic reply made you worried, and you wanted all the time possible to discuss what this could be.

And the gods know just how much your partner could talk...

With that thought, you motioned for Cell to sit on the couch and he obliged with no snarky back talk for once, to your delight. You continued to lay out blankets in hopes to add some needed cushion to the couch before you sat down. Who knew a heavy bio-android's tush could wear down the padding of a sofa so much over the years?

"Any reason you are laying down so many blankets to simply sit on the couch...?" Cell asked genuinely confused at your behavior. You rolled your eyes as you folded each blanket.

"Well, if you must know, you have a big heavy ass that is as hard as a brick. And said ass, has done some damage to my couch. Since you asked." You smiled sarcastically and took a seat next to your companion. He scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"We both know that my anatomical structure lacks the need for such a thing. But do remind me once I return to retrieve you a better sofa, my dear one."

You narrowed your eyes and edged closer. Just what the hell does he mean by return? Most he does is get groceries but never announces it. You just wakeup to a full kitchen and learned to not ask questions. This statement however, was way out of character.

"Y-you're leaving?! Why?"

"Well there goes me and my big perfect mouth.."

Cell cursed at himself as he rested his face in his palms. He kept his face planted to his hands refusing to meet your angry gaze, shame seeming to ooze from him. He hid behind his thick, ivory calloused hands like a child prepared for a scolding. Which to be fair, was what he was definitely in for.

"Don't tell me this is about those muscle heads. Cell, they almost killed you! Isn't this a sign to stop this pursuit?"

How can he be this stupid? It'd been weeks since he had been fully healed, and he seemed disinterested in repeating what left him so gravely injured before. Was this sense of peace some ruse? Doesn't he know how broken you were seeing him so injured? If he died...

Plump tears welled at the brink of your waterline and you rubbed at your sockets in frustration. You sniffled loudly, and yet, he refused to meet your gaze. He wouldn't even acknowledge you?!

"You selfish little...Fine! Leave! You don't even care do you?" You beat on his arms, and cried harder. "Don't you know how much I care for you? Does that mean nothing to you? Do you really think so little of me?"

Vain Biology- Cell x Reader Where stories live. Discover now