An Analyzation

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This dynamic began normal for you, bringing him large meals in the morning and night, or inviting him for dinner when the weather was bad. He always found it funny you insisted he stay in lest he catch a cold. He, however, always humored you. He would chuckle lightly, and remove himself from his spot, and have dinner with you for the night. This routine went on for just over a year.

One day, as the sky splotched with dark inky clouds and fat water droplets dropped, you ventured out once again. It was getting late, you noted as the wind whistled in your ears. The cold was biting, the wind and rain acting as razors against your skin. Holding onto your arms, you reached Cell's clearing. He sat on the ground as if the harsh rain was not even there. Each water droplet skidded off his body, as if he was waterproof. The only inkling of knowing he was wet was the increased sheen to his exoskeleton. You asked him to come shelter in your home once more.

"I have dinner ready, come inside it's cold and wet you'll get sick!" You yelled over the heavy downpour. He stood up, meeting your gaze. He walked toward you now, towering completely over you, his body alone shielding you from the harsh toothy winds. It would have been a relief if it weren't for his demeanor.

He looked down at you and spoke in a deep condescending, accusatory tone, "I am invulnerable to illness. Yet, you pester me so woman. Why is that?" He asked inquisitively.

You never really thought about it yourself. He was a monster to say the least. Yet, you would go out of your way to bring him food everyday. Yes you were far sassier when speaking with him than you should at times, but you still provided him with dishes and let him stay in your home. A monster like him... You tried to not question your actions.

"To be nice I suppose..." you trailed off.

The thought lingered despite your feeble attempts to push it from your mind. Why did you do nice things for him? Who would even want to do something nice for him? Maybe you pitied him, always sitting alone. Or how he looked at you curiously and excitedly. Despite his actions and demeanor, he is quite handsome. You could not even lie to yourself and say any person let alone a man, has ever looked at you with such intrigue. He never spoke much of you, only calling you strange,stupid, or exciting. But his eyes, the way they light up sometimes when you speak, his eyes act as if they had never laid eyes on such a creature. He has mentioned that you stick out to him, but in what way? Definitely not THAT way. He is your type... You cursed yourself internally for even thinking he was attractive. He is a monster, nothing more. Your thoughts nearly made you forget about the fact you were having a conversation until you heard a deep angry voice.

"Little human, are you listening?"

You looked up snapped out of your thoughts. "Um sorry what did you say?" You said blushing a bit. Damn, you must have looked pretty stupid staring off into the distance in the rain.

"You never replied to my question. Are you stricken with illness? Your face is red, and I can feel the heat you're exuding. I know you humans are fragile things. The rain and cold must've struck you with a fever. Come." He grabbed you in one fluid motion. He held you rough by the forearm, as a parent would a child. In a flash, you were inside your home. He let your arm go and you rubbed where he had gripped it so harshly. He stared down at you, unblinking and coldly.

"Um no C-Cell I'm fine you misunderstan-"

"Get undressed, quickly." He cut you off with a demanding tone.

Blood rushed to your ears and your heart thumped harshly in your chest. "Little human, your blood is pumping hard, and I can feel this heat growing harsher. What is with you?" He got closer to you, his face contorted into annoyance. Why is he acting so rashly! You scowled, your cheeks still hot.

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