At Fault

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(Cell's POV)

Looking down from the flailing man, she held her soft little hands on his spotted brilliant jade forearms. The pads of her fingers were discolored in part of the cold, and to the tight hold she held. His predatory gaze faltered once he trailed to her eyes, a storm of emotion in them.


Her voice, a breaking plea, was the only thing that stopped him from adjusting his hold and killing this human. He grated his straight teeth against the other.

"And why not exactly? If I let him go, he will most likely tell others. I'm not exactly the most forgettable, woman." He hissed, readjusting his grip on the man's neck, straightening his posture and focusing. The woman would simply have to understand, it was different with her. He was able to let her go since he had known of her habits far before he ever decided to make his presence known to her. He knew she was quite isolated socially and physically from other humans. That, and she interested him.

She acted so out of the ordinary from other humans in just that one encounter with her. She was far too foolish for her own good, her lack of fear and self-preservation being the stupid trait that enticed him so. He scowled and turned to her once again.

She looked pitiful, weak as always. So small, even in regard to human women she fell short, literally. Yet, her eyes had that same lick of fire in them. Despite her form shaking, her eyes stood firm.

Gods he hated the way her orbs enticed him, how that look drew him in.


Her once shuddering voice was now confident, filled with unwavering tenacity.  He never could wrap his head around the little woman. How she seemed to harbor this hidden strength at times when most humans would crumble.

It almost humored him that this same woman often grows emotional whilst watching cartoons, struggles to open jars, or strain to complete other mundane trivial nonsenses. The air grew quiet after she said her final words, Cell himself didn't utter a word. The only sound heard over the silent forest of white, was the sputtering gurgles of the man, still clutching pathetically at his hands. His face now a deep, sickly purple-blue.

Cell loosened his grip, just enough so the man could take a few gasps of air before tightening his grip again. He wouldn't die from this, at most he would become unconscious but awake to the same agony again.

"What do you wish for me to do then woman? Huh? In case you have yet to realize, if this man says something, the others may come to investigate." Cell's voice quaked ever so subtly as he let his ego drop, "I-I've nearly surpassed them, and this dolt, will ruin my chance to eliminate Son Goku, and his gods forsaken progeny!" He yelled so loudly hiding birds cawed as they flew off fearfully. Cell sighed, refocusing as to not allow his ki to rise from anger. Looking back to y/n, she was silent before relaxing to speak.

"I-I know Cell. I know. But there has to be a better way." Her grip on his forearm lessened as she brushed it ever so gently. "You aren't alone anymore. You know that. Right? If and when they come, I'll be here. But this, this isn't the way." Her voice soothed him, each word from her soft lips seemed to pluck at his very core. A fat bead of sweat dropped from Cell's alabaster skin. He gritted his teeth and clutched his eyelids shut.

Ignore her, you have to do this .

Opening his eyes once more, he refocused his gaze upon the man held up by his large palm. He felt his legs tremble ever so gently. Why was this hard for him to do? He doesn't care for humans, well she is an exception. Though he rationalized, it was because he found her foolish nature endearing. It's not as if he is opposed to killing others, he has a longg rap sheet of that, it being one of the many reasons he was sent to Hell. He wouldn't reconsider his knack for homicide even if it meant a one-way ticket to heaven.

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