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For the first time since meeting Cell, you awoke refreshed.

The cool morning air grazed your exposed skin as you stretched. You stepped from the hardwood of your bedroom and onto the cold tile of your bathroom, the difference in temperature making you shudder. You yawned and washed your face and brushed your teeth. Examining yourself, you flashed a smile as you always do. Just a weird morning ritual you followed. You walked through your bedroom, halting at your wardrobe, and changed into your leggings and sports bra. You grabbed a long sleeve jacket as well, before grabbing your yoga mat on the way out.

You opened your bedroom door to see the kitchen spotless. Every dish and pot was washed and put to dry. If it weren't for you noticing the lack of your rug and vase, you would honestly consider last night to be some sort of dream. Your face turned down into a deep frown at the thought of what fate could have befallen your precious vase and rug. " Cell.." you grumbled, tightening your grip on your yoga mat.

To relax, you prepared your morning tea, as it brewed, you stepped outside and set up your mat. You began your stretches with deep concentrated breaths. After an hour, you decided on making breakfast to refuel. Eggs, bacon, cheese, and an everything bagel sounded delicious. Licking your lips, you went inside, grabbing your apron in a swift motion Grabbing the ingredients from the fridge, you slipped on your apron and began cooking. The smell of bacon hitting the air as it sizzled, the scent sticking to your hair and clothes. Just then, a thought crossed your mind.

If you were hungry, perhaps he would be too? You tried to brush the thought from your mind as you flipped pieces of bacon. That guy was a monster, not only that but was a jerk. He had done completely irredeemable acts! be fair, those people killed by him are alive and he has yet to hurt you for some reason. When you thought about it, he never seemed like he wanted to. He did say the only reason he hasn't is that you intrigued him apparently. Your mind trailed to the only 3 encounters with him and every time, his artificial magenta eyes gleamed with curiosity.

But why? To be very honest, there was nothing special about you. You weren't exceptionally talented, or exceedingly beautiful. You weren't incredibly intelligent, for the most part, you were just like any average human, with no massive qualities to distinguish you from others. No matter how you thought about it, you simply couldn't wrap your head around him. He wasn't human, that was clear but his emotions and actions perplexed you.

In the end, you ended up making a plate for him. You were raised to make others feel comfortable no matter who they were and how they acted. You REALLY didn't want to, but you figured that maybe he would spare you in the future for making him food occasionally.

You removed your apron, still wearing your yoga pants and sports bra, and stepped outside. It was late in the morning now, the sun caressed the dirt path leading into the forest.

You wandered onto the same beaten path. You were a bit unnerved, you haven't walked down the path since Cell began taking up residence in the forest. You took a turn off the dirt path, and into the underbrush leading to the clearing where Cell typically sat. Just as you made it past the thick vegetation, there was a sudden change in the air. No birds chirped, no familiar buzz of cicadas, no noise whatsoever. The air sat thick, an invisible pressure could be felt. You gulped. He was near but when you reached the clearing, he was nowhere to be seen. You felt a pang of regret coming to where he typically sat alone. Maybe he would be insulted that you would approach him and interrupt whatever he does and would kill you. Beads of sweat began to drop freely from your temple. Just before you decided to turn back, the silence was severed.

" Hello, little Y/N, why is the little doe wandering so deep in the forest hmm?" He said from behind you.

You yelped and jumped back almost tripping. You breathed in and out clutching your chest. How could something so big be so quiet?! " I needa put a bell on you or something.." you mumbled, catching yourself.

Vain Biology- Cell x Reader Where stories live. Discover now