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You could only look wide-eyed at his admission. This is why he was acting weird? He wanted you to himself? You gulped, wetting the dryness at the back of your throat.

Cell continued to stare at you at your level. His eyes remained transfixed on yours, still glazed over. He seemed confident, unwavering despite his admission. It surely was a surprise, Cell is not emotional whatsoever as you could recall. But he said such a heavy admission without a beat, so honestly... I mean, sure you knew him for well over a year, but during that time, you couldn't really fully consider him a friend could you?

Now he has admitted to something only a lover would. It was, to say the least, a bit fast. Sweat beaded at your knitted brows. You didn't have a clue the words to say. You were surprised that the idea of him desiring you in such a way stirred something deep in you. It caused you to flush lightly, the feeling of warmth pooling in between your thighs. Focusing on less lewd things, you reflected on the type of relationship you both had.

It started as an ultimatum, and only recently developed into more so of a research project of sorts? You were both well acquainted with one another, yes, but if you couldn't exactly call Cell a friend, how could you even answer such a heavy-laced question? You well, had feelings for him too, but they were misplaced right? You couldn't be involved in that kind of a relationship with Cell. You flushed once more at the idea though. Straightening your mind, you pondered once more. What would people think?

Hey everyone this is my partner Cell! Oh, you remember the guy who almost annihilated the earth?

Gods, what has your life come to! You then realized Cell was still staring at you as your racing thoughts dialed down into a trickling river. You took a deep breath, facing Cell determined. "Sit" you said to Cell. If he had eyebrows they would've cocked curiously at you. He obliged and sat harshly on the ground like a dog. He then stared at you expectantly. You claspped your hands to your face to entrap the fit of hystisterical laughter that would have ammitted from your mouth and sighed in its place. "On the couch, silly" Cell got up and sat on the couch, it creaked under his immense weight. You sat next to him, sliding towards him slightly due to the different balance in both of your weights. Your body settled against the smooth carapace of his arms. You never noticed how beautiful it looked up close, the jade green and ebony spots contrasted remarkably.

"You have good taste, though it's rude to stare. Didn't anyone program manners into you little doe?" You blushed but laughed at his comment.

"So you remember? Glad you were programmed to joke bio boy" you snickered.

He threw his head back and laughed deeply. "You are quite the witty little human. I've always found that fascinating"

His eyes gleamed at you, that same look he gave you all those years ago. Instead of terror, you felt warm and safe. This felt right. Such a contrast shouldn't be possible but here you were. You smiled at him, this time a comfortable silence enveloped you both. Maybe, maybe you really could take him up on this crazy idea. He had changed. And though some would say it was too fast, you really considered it. You shook your head to rid these thoughts.

You enjoyed his company that was for sure, and you were very attracted to Cell, but you weren't sure if this was right. Aren't there steps to relationships? There always seems to be in romance movies and books alike. You racked your brain for any movie or book even remotely similar to your current predicament. Yea, there would definitely be one about getting stuck with a homicidal bio-bug man. Then it hit you. The movie you both watched together! Beauty and the Beast. Your cheeks heated at the thought. Gods are you gonna really look to a fictional children's tale for advice? You huffed and puffed out your cheeks.

"Have you been thinking of what I said?" Cell's voice broke the air. You stared up at him and leaned a bit closer to his thick arm.

"I...I think this is all too sudden. You left for months, I was conflicted with how I felt too." You sighed. " I felt like, like, we becoming more than just that stupid deal we made. Like we were..." you trailed off, Cell stared at you deeply, his eyes sparked expectantly. " friends" Cells eyes immediately brimmed with disappointment. You didn't notice as you continued, "I tried to move on. I thought you were tired of me, tired of our deal. But no matter how I tried, I missed you..." You trailed off, a bit bashful at your admittance. " I saw how you were changing, day by day, I found it so fascinating. You were always so...interesting...so fun to talk to. So i couldn't help but miss y-"

Vain Biology- Cell x Reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora