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You woke up with a start, your body drenched in sweat.

You were on your couch, nothing seemed amidst as your home looked as it did before your walk. Groaning as you sat up, you instinctively grasped your head. You glanced in between your fingers, head throbbing. It was night? Confusion washed over you.

"What the fuck...how did i get back home?" You muttered standing fully up right now. Your legs were a bit shaky, but you steadied yourself, then tried to remember what happened. You walked over to your laptop, checking the date, it was the same day. At least you didn't somehow sleep through the whole day. Still, it unnerved you that you couldn't remember how you got back home.

You began mentally retracing your steps. You followed your normal morning ritual, and went on your morning walk, then a big fat blank.

How come you didn't remember how you got home? You looked down to your clothes, they were soiled with dust and debris. A slight panic began to rumble in your chest, just then you remembered all at once. You saw Cell, he was there and right in front of you. Fat droplets of sweat began to form on your face. It had to have been a dream. Right? No no, if that was the case, you wouldn't be this dirty. Your brows creased sharply.

In the dream, you remembered scrambling away, fainting and Cell standing face to face with you, his magenta eyes piercing yours, and his warm breath against your cheeks. You remembered the glint in his eyes, there was no malicious intent behind them, instead, his eyes brimmed with curiosity. But what could he possibly be interested in?

"Man what the fuck this makes no sense..." you rubbed your forehead.

"If I did actually see Cell and that actually happened, how the fuck am I not dead?"

"Good question" you heard behind you. You jumped back a bit, Cell stood unfazed the same smirk on his face, his muscular arms crossed over his shiny black chest.

"W-What the how??" You really couldn't handle this shit... these random surprises will have you having a full-blown heart attack in no time. That and your brain truly could not process all of these constant spurs of adrenaline. You began to tremble slightly. "Before you go fainting again, I wanna explain why I'm here. Sit down little thing you are shaking like a newborn fawn." he said still smirking. You obeyed, sitting down promptly, still trembling as your hands rested on your knees.

You whispered eyes wide with bewilderment. "you died..how are you.."

Anger crossed Cell's face, his stern expression later softened into mild annoyance. His eyebrow twitched as he cut you off. "I said I want to explain why I'm here. Don't interrupt. Hmm?" He said as he began again, raising a finger slightly in your direction. "I was hit by Son-Gohan's attack and died, yes." He grimaced but continued. "But a small part of my cells were frozen in space I suppose. My body was able to regenerate from said cells, naturally as I was created to be perfect." He puffed out his chest and gleamed at this statement. You simply crossed your eyebrows in confusion. "I suppose being frozen in space is what halted my immediate resurrection, perhaps those cells passed by a sun or a planet, really all my cells needed was something to warm them up and I came back...from.." He trailed off, face looking genuinely disturbed. His eyes seemed to stare past you. You wanted to ask from what, but remembered he did not like being interrupted so you promptly let that thought forgo as quickly as you thought it up. He seemed to snap from his trance."Anyhow, I thought the fight was still ongoing, so I traveled back, this time hiding my energy. I thought it was still the same day of the fight and perhaps Hell was nothing but a dream."

"Hell exists?!" You blurted out.

"Yes, little human, and what did I say about interrupting?" He said sternly, finger raised at you as if he was scolding a dog. He continued as he seemed satisfied with the look of fear on your face. "And I realized, it had been years. The boy I once fought was now an adult. They were..so much stronger than me. " He looked angry again, a silent rage. Yet things began to levitate slightly in the room. He breathed out, everything falling still.

"I decided I shall remain here and figure out the secret of their power. At my current state, I can not best them in battle, I must train and grow stronger. My plan was to reside in the forest you live in, you see, my enemies live in the perfect proximity of you. Not too close that they could sense me if I slip up and use even the smallest amount of ki, and not too far so I can find them easily." He smiled confidently again.

"Then, I saw you little human. Living so close to where I resided. I remembered how strange you were that day. I've never encountered a human with so little fear despite being so small and powerless. Frankly, I find it quite exciting. You even look the exact same as you did that day" His smirk grew maliciously.

You cleared the obvious concern from your throat and turned away. This dude is a total freak! What did he mean your lack of fear was exciting?! At least you aren't dead yet. "So what now..." you asked quietly, eyes trained to the floor. He smirked, his crossed arms rose as he held his head back and pulled his ivory lips into a wicked toothy smile. He raised his large shoulders, and put his hands in the air and shrugged.

"Well little human, I'm not too sure. I could simply break your fragile body. It would not be hard." Your heart stopped beating as your breath slowed in horror as he continued. "Or, you could simply ignore that I reside in the forest. I know you won't dare tell anyone since well, you don't call people very often, you certainly don't email anyone outside of work, and text family and friends every few days." He smiled again, arms crossed. He only said all this to basically say he knows what you get up to everyday, and will know if you alert anyone of your sighting. Was that... A threat...sort of. It's not like he is going to do anything to you as long as you don't say anything,right? He is probably scared that raising suspicions will only have him killed a second time. That, and there is no real threat to Earth since the heroes who beat him far surpass him he said it himself.

"As long as you don't hurt anybody you have my word that I won't tell a soul." You stood up still a bit shaken, but put your hand out to shake his. He rolled his eyes and grasped yours. His hands were incredibly large! They were three times the size of yours and were surprisingly warm. He released his grip on your hand, his sharp onyx nails grazing your skin as he did so. He crossed his arms once more looking away uninterested. You broke the silence.

"So uh mind leaving my house? I don't care that you live in the forest but ya know just please don't be weird and watch me in my house... that's kind of a huge invasion of privacy..." you said softly. Why the hell was he watching you anyway?! I knew he was evil but to be a peeping tom? That's just sick.

"Don't fret little human. Your secrets are safe with me, after all, who could I tell anyway!" He broke into a laugh but continued. "I won't tell anyone about how you walk around your home in just a top, or in the evening you sit in front of the tv in just a towel, or how sometimes your face gets red when you-" you cut him off by trying to push him out of your home, face flush with waves of embarrassment. He was crazy heavy! He humored you and walked out your door.

"You know human,I only let you live because I find you mildly interesting. Almost as if watching an ant stray from the line of other soldiers" He continued to smirk as you watched him turn and walk off into the forest.

"Until next time little human!" He said, waving an arm behind him as a goodbye, while he walked into the brush disappearing eventually. You shut your door and slumped down, your butt hitting the floor once you heard the click of the door. The wave of everything that transpired today rushed over you as you sat on the cold ground. You laughed at the absurdity of it all, tears freely dropping onto your hot cheeks. You put your hands to your face.

"There is a homicidal bug man living in the forest right outside my house.."

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