Island R&R pt 2 (THE END)

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Each step across the once hot sand, now felt cool on your soles, the sun beginning to take its reprieve from the day. You hadn't realized just how far you had run off from the group.

It'd take a few minutes to reach the ountarage but you didn't mind. Instead, you allowed yourself this time to soak in the salty air, the only sounds being the cascading waves and occasional muffled squeak from Cell's boot.

You both walked side by side, your steps mirroring one anothers. Peaking past your lashes in your peripheral, you caught a quick glance at your partner. Cell kept his head forward, remaining uncharastically quiet. You didn't notice how weird it was to not see those pretty lips smirk or spew sarcastic nonsense until now. Instead, he kept them pinned straight, no visible emotion discernible on his features.

Perhaps he had something on his mind? Was he angry? Maybe he was upset that you ran off? Or maybe he hates this stupid idea of this party. Afterall, how could a nice dinner and drinks make them forgive what he did. This is a hopeless endeavor...

"Your heartbeat is quickening, and your pheromones indicate you are feeling some form of distress." Cell turned to look down at you knowingly. A small smile pulled at his lips.

"My candied little doe, always overthinking, always worrying." He scooped you up bridal style, nuzzling you with soft playful nips. You giggled into his embrace, letting your racing thoughts quiet into a trickling stream. He opted to place you on his shoulders, as you used his crown to balance. He continued his stride back to the group now with you resting on his shoulders.

"Tell me what gears could be turning in that pretty little head of yours, you sweet thing."

A tension riddled sigh escaped your sun kissed lips as you eased your weight into Cell's crown. He caressed your legs in an attempt to comfort you as you began to unwind your bundle of worries.

"Ya caught me...It's just— I really want them to see, you know? See that you aren't the same guy they once knew anymore." Cell only hummed softly, an indicator that he was listening intently. This spurred you further.

"I guess, after getting to know you so well,it pains me to imagine people picturing the old you. To imagine anyone hating you, when I just know the person you are now. It feels... unfair."

The familiar blurring of your vision as tears welled spurred you to rub them away before they could fall. This whole thing had been weighing on you for far too long, and though you felt like a broken record when speaking on it, it didn't change your feelings.

It hurts like hell to imagine your love bug being mischaracterized by the world at large. You just wanted this get away to patch things up! Sadly, reality doesn't work like that. It'd probably take awhile...Gohan said it himself that'd it be sometime before they warm up to Cell. For now, this one get together will be stepping stones to a better reputation for your bug bot.

"I guess, you can't blame them though, huh? Maybe my expectations are a bit unrealistic, I dunno."

You sulked further, leaning onto Cell's crown fully. Before you could sigh and feel sorry some more, you heard the sound of a stifled snort eminitting from beneath you. You peered down in confusion only to see Cell visibly trying to not bust a gut at your prior words.

When his eyes met yours, he simply couldn't hold back the dam of laughter as he roared out a full belly laugh. Wiping a stray tear in amusement, he spoke in stutters as his jest supsided.

"Oh- e-excuse me my dear! Y-you're just so damn sweet! Sickenly so!" He straightened up, coughing a bit to clear out the last fit of giggles.

"You worry too much about me and my 'reputation'. I quite literally was planning to annihilate every living thing in the universe, my dear. Naturally, I cared none for how people viewed me, as long as I struck fear into their souls. That was, until some stupid little earthling woman enraptured my heart" He gave you a playful wink. You rolled your eyes at the 'stupid' comment.

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